DVD Release?

This was a great TV mini-series, which i dont even think was completed. I could be wrong. But I would love to know when the DVD will be released, if at all.


I would LOVE to have this mini-series on DVD! I watched it religiously as a child and was SO disappointed when they took it off the air without even finishing it :( Ben Cross was one of my first big crushes...lol ;) I was watching Exorcist: The Beginning yesterday and recognized him in an instant - and reminded me of this awesome series. Here's hoping!



DVD Retail Release: 18th October 2005

it's been released on 3 DVDs. dunno who's released it tho, have to find out yourself. for those who have trouble finding this in the shops you will be able to find this series on a popular horror newsgroup. (no, i'm not gonna tell you where/how)


I just bought the DVD in Canada. It was released by MGM Video. The series never was completed.Check with your local video store, or try Best Buy.I never forgot it growing up, and look forward to watching it over and again.


They have this series at Bestbuy! The series was interrupted due to the war.


It was actually cancelled by poor ratings as well. Many believed that then that a fad belonged to its time. More people prefer Classic Shadows to Revival including a certain big time DVD collector on this message board (who did eventually buy a copy of this anyway before finishing buying Classic ;-)).


The 12th ep was the season finale of the series and it was completed because it aired on Scfy channel instead of nbc; Victoria finds out who barnabas really is and vampire !


http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Shadows-Complete-Ben-Cross/dp/B001PXYH9G/ref=sr_1_5?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1375654452&sr=1-5&keywords=dark+shadows Here is complete series sold by amazon.com


Thrilled to have this on DVD. Why is the only bonus feature something about Stephen King that has absolutely nothing to do with Dark Shadows? Couldn't they have thrown in a few of the Dark Shadows tv commercials or anything? I'm sorry but an advertisement for something completely unrelated is hardly a bonus.
