MovieChat Forums > Child's Play 2 (1990) Discussion > Isn't locking a child in a classroom a s...

Isn't locking a child in a classroom a safety hazard?

What if a fire had broken out, or Andy had been seriously injured in some way while Miss Kettewell was out? What Andy had asthma or something and had passed out before he could figure out how to unlock the door?

All New Season:


Also the way she pushed him around and grabbed his arms, and head etc. very rough. haha


Back then you could still be rough with misbehaved children.

Nowadays, children are spoiled too much. That's why kids these days are mean and disrepectful to adults.


Lol u don't have to get physical with a kid to let them know how to's the fact that parents nowadays are too impatient with their kids so they give in after acouple of whines and whimpers, and the kids know how to get what they want (just annoy my mommy/daddy enough till I get what I want!)


yea as another poster said this was 1990 era, the world was no way near as safety conscious or pc correct and teachers could do stuff like this no bother especially to boys. For instance, i'm in ireland and I started a boys school in 1990 aged 4 and finished in 1998 and all through them years we students were subject to getting hit[sometimes quite violently beaten] by the older teachers even though hitting was abolished back then teachers could still get away with it in the 90s and nobody cared. I particularly remember in my final year in 1998 in primary school a boy getting severly struck by a male teacher across the head. I also had older friends in the secondary school through the 90s and several of the teachers there used physical force against the students too. It's only in the last 10 years or so that the world has gone all pc mad and you can't get away with stuff like that anymore [I know because i'm a teacher]. Pretty much back in 1990 locking a child in a classroom or striking a child was'nt an issue in alot of places. Whereby today you are'nt allowed to be alone with a student in a classroom.
