MovieChat Forums > Child's Play 2 (1990) Discussion > The hand part was cheesy

The hand part was cheesy

They could have executed that whole pulling off hand bit so much better. I thought it was cheesy that he just simply pulls him arm and the hand rips off. How could they have made it different and more effective? Well, he had a knife in front of him. Simply grab it and cut the hand off. That's what any human would have done if they were desperate enough. Also, Chucky was supposed to be human, at least, somewhat...


His attempt was to pull his hand out of there

That is why it stretches to the point of tearing off



I think it would have been cooler if he just cut it off with the knife.


It would have been cooler if Andy had cut the hand off himself then gives Chucky the message that got him in trouble at school earlier. "&#*@ you, bitch."

All New Season:


I just watched it again last night. It looks like his hand was starting to slip slowly. I think he was just so pissed at that point he hadn't realized it was about to tear and by the time it started it was too late. What I don't get is he never once attempts to lift the metal gate, which free fell so a normal man should be able to lift it and he never had any strength issues before.


Nonsense. That scene is very effective and anything but cheesy.

Well, he had a knife in front him. Simply grab it and cut the hand off. That's what any human would have done if they were desperate enough.
Let's see, if your hand got crushed in machinery like Chucky's and the only way to free yourself from the excruciating pain was to let your hand go... would you either cut if off with a knife or simply pull it off? It's going to hurt like hell either way, but I would choose the latter. Blades hurt.

Anyway, Chucky ripping his hand off is gruesome enough, but what really makes that scene work is the sounds of Chucky screaming in agony (great job by Douriff) and the expressions he makes as he's pulling it off. They really did a tremendous job with that doll.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
