MovieChat Forums > Child's Play 2 (1990) Discussion > I remember everyone hated this film back...

I remember everyone hated this film back in the day (The '90s, that is)

But it wasn't as hated as much as the third film. This film got bad reviews back in the day especially from Gene Siskel who put it on his "Never again" list and this had a 4.5/10 rating and the third one had like a 3.8/10. Now Child's Play 3 on the other hand, fared far worse. It was at one time almost put into the "Bottom 100" on IMDb and was on a few of the "Worst Horror Movie sequels" lists and people in the UK blamed it for the murder of a toddler. Some day cartoons like ChalkZone, Atomic Betty, and The Replacements will get better reviews, people back in 2000s hated those shows but I didn't think they were that bad.


I dont like CP2.


Childs Play 2 is a strange beast. I do feel it's a true sequel, it's dark and mixes violence and horror with black humour very well. The plot is a little weaker, yet more refined and the story setup is a bit messy, but then the original did character and story setup in a very cheesy way too. So aside from a bungled "why are we reassembling a a doll that's full of negative publicity and death? oh we don't really want to do it anyway", the film actually paces quite well and better fits the dynamic of kid vs evil doll.
Plus the supporting character is pretty strong and adds great dynamic, and adequately captures the teen rebellion era of the early 90s.

I like Childs Play 2 and thing it's underrated, and in a way the deaths are more memorable.

Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.


Originally this movie sat at 4.4/10 on IMDB back in 2000. This is one of the best horror sequels ever.

 I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm on my phone 90% of the time.


I actually really like all the chuck films. All are 10/10 for me.


This and Bride are the best sequels. Child's Play 3 and Seed of Chucky are the worst.


You are a scumbag, blake.



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