MovieChat Forums > Child's Play 2 (1990) Discussion > The Play Pals factory is an dangerous th...

The Play Pals factory is an dangerous thing?

These oil pits, the liquid plastic, a vat of plastic, etc.



The toxic fumes alone from those open vats of plastic or rubber? Wouldn't it boil over sometimes? Well it did have release valves....

Eh the factory only had like 1 worker in it. Must have been totally brain damaged high the entire time.... "Her her her! I Work at Good Guys!" *Passes out*

The factory was pretty futuristic. Actually it looks like a child designed it. Pretty interesting....

Hey maybe Richie Rich designed it? Or his half inbred Brother? Brichie Bich?

I mean *beep* you had to go through the automatic eyeball popper to get to the emergency exit!

Ah I love this movie. :D Yes Overly Over Analyzing Child's play 2 will be coming soon. ;)

I did one for CP3: -childs-play-3/


the factory does look very dangerous
it would probably break all kinds of safety codes



Well considering that they encountered legal/financial problems since....they probably do not have money for inspections/safety upkeep.

Remember in the original movie, the doll is a small version of a character on a popular tv show....which also presumably had to get canned after Andy and his mom had problems. So the factory was once a 'great place' to work.....but now is dangerous.


hahaa yup. perfect for the plot
