Fabiana Udenio (Francesca)

She was hot in this movie, I hadn't seen her in any other movie. There is nothing in her filmography that I want to see, is she hotter in others movies?

Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.


In Austin Powers she plays "Alotta Fagina".



She's in Summer School also, one of the first things I saw her in (possibly saw Hardbodies 2 around the same time when it used to run on cable, saw Summer School in theater). You have horror in your name and like Fabiana Udenio and are telling me you haven't seen the 80s comedy Summer School? Worth a look just for the amusement of Chainsaw and Dave, the horror movie freak characters addicted to Texas Chainsaw Massacre.



Was good in Quantum Leap
