Impossible To Get

Okay, so obviously I'm exgerating but it was hard enough for me to find the original and be able to buy it for under $50 ( I bought it in a used DVD store but trust me it was in mint condition, just the case was cracked and so i got it for $8 HA ).

And no I'm not buying anythong online, anybody can recommend some good stores in Buffalo or Toronto?

Hippies Aren't People


I just got it from Netflix today...*shrugs*


they have tons of them on Amazon... that's a secure site.. i buy crap from there all the time... i know its "on line" but its the way of the world... unless you like searching and searching and spending double for the exact same thing.
New 1-18-08 pic


I bought mine off Amazon for $32 the other day. A little more than I'm willing to pay for a DVD but I've been wanting the Pioneer Special Edition for years now.



If you want to crank your sound up to (no joke) 50 and suffer through a muddy, sub-par print, rent/buy the "regular" version of "Bride." If you want to actually see the film properly, get some amazing special features (including my personal favorite commentary on any DVD - Jeff Combs and Bruce Abbott are hilarious!) and own a great copy, fork out a bit more for the Pioneer. It comes up relatively frequently on ebay.

"It ATE him...bit off his a gingerbread man!"


I just bought the special edition on Ebay for $23.

