Though I have yet to watch it,I got this movie from NetFlix. It says 99 min. and R-rated. Yet IMDB says 96min. What gives? Is the "R" vers. longer? OR is it really not 99 min long? Or,it's that long,just not as gory as the "UN-RA" vers?. Disc is from ARTISAN "full screen". ARGH! no letterbox!! Artisan sucks. It's not even in it's original aspect ratio. Kill me now. Who puts out the "UN-RA" vers. in 1.85:1 screen ratio? Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


The Artisan release is the unrated version, the R-rating on the cover is a goof-up. While the disc is 1.33:1 it is open matte so not cropped on the sides.


I'm glad I got the UN-RA vers. What is "Open Matte"? The film aspect is 1.85:1 (IMDB). And the disc says 1.33:1? Isn't that the TV ratio? 4:3? Thanks

I Kill Kids!


The intended theatrical aspect ratio is 1.85:1 but Bride of Re-animator was shot 'flat' (1.37:1) as opposed to a film shot with anamorphic lenses. A film shot 1.37:1 but intended to be shown in the wide format is then matted when projected in the cinema covering the top and bottom of the screen. So 'Open matte' refers to viewing a film without that matte. The first Re-anmimator as well as Bride was shot in the same fashion and fullscreen releases thus show more image than a widescreen release would.

The Pioneer release of Bride of Re-animator which features both the un-rated and r-rated version of the film is 1.33:1 same as the Artisan but there is a feature on the disc which lets the viewer mask off the image area that wouldn't be seen theatrically. They just simply put black fields over the image (I think they use the subtitle function for this). It looks a bit funny since the black fields don't cover all the way up and you see a bit of the underlying image underneath.

IMDB can be a bit sloppy regarding technical information for certain films but you may want to look into information on aspect ratios at Wikipedia if you want to broaden your knowledge.


Thanks for the info. It clears things up a lot for me. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


Actually I should add that it's a very sloppy job on the dvd, the 1.33:1 trasnfer is not COMPLETELY open matte, it's an adjusted to fit your TV version, I have a trailer on a vido I can't find that had the "are we having fun yet line in a wide shot so you could see the wings fully, in the dvd version it's in a zoomed in close up, presumably to cover up the fact you would see the actor's body below the head if they showed it unmatted

And I'm sure there are many shots like this in an effects heavy film such as this.

So unfortunately we have to hope and pray they decide to remaster this for blu-ray, and then hope they include the unrated shots (which are no longer on the negative) Then we may get a good widescreen version.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.
