Who would you have cast in 1990?

This is how I would have seen a great 'Bonfire of the Vanities' film circa 1990 (and next to their name a film or two illustrating why I think they would have been right):

Director - Martin Scorsese (Goodfellas, The Wolf of Wall Street)

Sherman McCoy - William Hurt (Alice, Broadcast News)
Peter Fallow - Kenneth Branagh (Peter's Friends, Celebrity)
Maria Ruskin - Sela Ward (Hello Again, Nothing in Common)
Judy McCoy - Kristin Holby (Trading Places)
Jed Kramer - Matthew Broderick (The Freshman, Election)
Judge Myron Kovitsky - Eli Wallach (Keeping the Faith, "L.A. Law")
Reverend Bacon - Richard Gant (Rocky V)


Director-Oliver Stone (Wall Street)
Sherman McCoy-William Hurt
Peter Fallow-Bob Hoskins (Mona Lisa)
Maria Ruskin-Madonna or Mary Elizabeth Mastrontonio
Judy McCoy-don't know
Jed Kramer-Richard Dreyfuss (Nuts)
Judge Kovitsky-Walter Matthau
Reverend Bacon-Morgan Freeman (Lean on Me, Johnny Handsome)

Also, I would've discarded with Michael Cristofer's awful, bathroom humor-laden script and started over from scratch, with Stone writing the adaptation himself. He's a brilliant writer as well as director (see Scarface and Midnight Express).


Dan Aykroyd should have been McCoy. He played a similar role very well in Trading Places and fits the part a lot more than Hanks did.


James Spader as Sherman
David Thewlis as Peter
Annette Benning as Judy

The rest of the cast was pretty solid.
