MovieChat Forums > Bird on a Wire (1990) Discussion > Love Goldie Hawn but.. Come on

Love Goldie Hawn but.. Come on

This movie is just awful. Sitting on my couch watching it now. Can guarantee this will be the only time I see it. I believe it was made just for the sake of starring together. (Gibson-Hawn)

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


Funny, witty, action packed, interesting, sexy, what's not to love about this movie? Some people are simply haters


I was 15 when it came out, MALE, into gibson from watching madmax and lethal weapson, and into Goldie from watching over board and Private Benjamin

found the film funny, easy to watch, good story, and great chemistry between the actors.

easy film to watch. sure not a classic, but a fun movie.


Funny, witty, action packed, interesting, sexy, what's not to love about this movie?
The music is good too.


I think it's good fun. Goldie Hawn and Mel Gibson are great together, and there is lots of humour and excitement. Don't really understand why you dislike it.


notice the end credits it says a badham movie, i thought it said bad movie. how fitting. there are weird camera angles throughout, end credits rolling backwards for some reason, rough editing, as the helicopter scene where a guy appears to get shot then sitting straight up, action yet manages to have a corny romantic comedy vibe, bad casting as none of the villains look like bad guys, and goldie hawn suits better in comedy, not in an action with mel gibson... and the dialogue... you know what freaks me out, these people are older than my parents generation yet they talk like a couple of teenagers, we're going backwards, aren't we? i don't blame anyone for liking this, especially by today's movies standard, as a boob kid i liked this (and joan severance), but now i realise the action, the comedy and the romance all adds up poorly and misses at it all, goldie hawn manages to save a few scenes. the ending was one of the most dragged out bits i've seen and reminded of "crocodile dundee 3" which coincidently spoofed mel gibson's name. favorite part was the monkeys. what a disaster.

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their painted face,
their made up hairs,
making us worship them,
time for us to raise up against their high voice,
before they squash us all.


It's your typical action comedy from the late 80s early 90s. It has a few good moment, but it's a bad movie and the climax is basically just a chain of clichΓ©s.


It's an average film. Looks like a TV movie, none of the action scenes are particularly exciting, and Goldie Hawn overdoes the squawking and whining but Mel Gibson's his usual charismatic self, and it has enough amusing moments in it to make it a watchable 90 minute filler.
