Ouch. Right in the Feels
Talk about one of the saddest endings of all time. And obviously it's based on a true story, which is what makes it all the sadder
Basically, Sayer tried but failed, just like he did with the earthworms. Imagine losing your life, then briefly re-gaining it and getting a taste again of the pleasures of life and forming aspirations only to have them robbed from you
Robert de Niro was so good in this, he played a fairly straightforwardly sentimental movie in an unexpected way. He carries the second half of the movie from inspiration porn to a proper tragedy and does so mainly through physical acting. I know some people nowadays dislike de Niro because he's been in quite a few shitty movies and is very outspoken about his political beliefs, but I do personally think he's the greatest actor of all time
Robin Williams was also excellent in this. A lot of the movie was derivative, but I'll be damned if I didn't tear up just watching Williams and de Niro doing what they do best