I would love to sue the makers of this movie...
...because it has made me absolutely terrified of spiders, and it disrupts my life! lol. But honestly... I watched this movie late at night, by myself when I was about 10 yrs old, and ever since then... I've had this ridiculous fear of even the most harmless and tiny spiders. Even after I kill a spider, I have goosebumps all over my body and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I've tried to watch this movie again several times, thinking that it will make me realize that I shouldn't be scared since its not real... but it just makes my fear worse!!!!!!
I have so many spider stories, cuz they are just the most evil and spiteful creatures out there!!!!
They've followed me, predicted my next moves... and they can smell fear, I know it!
and those little @$$holes play dead too...
oh, ya, and I absolutely hate when they're on the ceiling, cuz they're even harder to kill.
Anyway, that about sums up my feelings about spiders.