anyone remember this one?

years ago i rented this one twice from blockbuster on vhs. then they got rid of it and no other place has it . i havent even seen it on sale anywhere and i thought maybe this one would have come in the boxed set but it didnt. if anyone knows where to get this movie, please reply. ty

of all the things i miss, i miss my mind the most.


I've got it in a horror pack, an Australian release though.

Does this film have anything to do with the rest of the franchise?

"You knew all along, Goddamn it! But you wouldnt tell me, Well look at you now!" - Patton


its on the front of film review (uk) this month :)


This is shocking - shockingly bad.
Has nothing to do with any of the previous Amityville films - although it is set in Amityville (or near it).
It's a boring, badly acted waste of time and the worst in the series in my opinion.



what a rip off.

