The 90's? The 60's?

It's been a while since I've last seen this film, but I remember Robert Downey Jr. looking very 90's-ish in this movie, right? For a film that supposedly is set in 1969. What's up with that?


haha, i thought the same thing. he has a 90s haircut and he's wearing 90s clothes,lol


I know, right?


Well, I'm watching it now, and I see him walking around in blue jeans and a black t-shirt. That's pretty late-60's if you ask me. The thing that I don't like is his messed-up 90's haircut and the modern music with the whining guitar, very early 90's. Compare that to "Good Morning Vietnam" or other era movies. Make the music and hair match the era, morons.


haha seriously...


The clothing did not bother me that much. I was offended, though, by the scene with the little Albanian boy masturbating into a kefir container.


What? there wasnt a scene like that you pervert.


U sir R now on the sex offender registry, good day to U sir! From The WIre.



This is not new. Look at Julie Christie in Doctor Zhivago. She had a 60's-ish hairstyle... in 1917!

Martin Scorsese IS the best


What about the music, most of it wasn't even written until the early 70's.


Yeah, there wasn't one person with nut-crusher bell bottoms and Mel Gibson's jeans were definitely of the modern times. It looked like he got them at Jeans West.


What about Michelle Pfeiffer's 80s hair in Ladyhawke.
