MovieChat Forums > Air America (1990) Discussion > The peasent shooting down the plane with...

The peasent shooting down the plane with a musket

Ruined the whole movie, was done for a gag and it didnt work


Well, the movie is a comedy (as well as action) so that was just kind of playing into that theme. I think it was a great way to start the film, I always thought that was cool.

Also there's a character who always goes on about "the golden BB" and that was supposed to be a reference to that. From the trivia:

Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!


I remember a plane brought down by a piece of kindling wood. Each year Texas A&M builds a gigantic pile of wood to burn. So big they use engineers. In 1999 it collapsed and killed 12 students working on it and crippled 27 others. I think it was 59 feet when it fell.

Another year a rival university thought it would be fun to buzz the wood pile in a light plane. An A&M student on top of the pile hurled a piece of wood into the air which the plane struck. The University of Texas has used airplanes a few times to attempt to fire bomb the stack. One plane ran low on fuel and crash landed. A&M students used the wooden parts on the bonfire.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


too much time on your hands in Texas :p
