15 Years Later...

And I finally get this movie. When it was released myself (and everyone else in the free world didn't think much of this movie...ADC isn't the 'greatest' comedian in the world (to say the least), much like "Last Action Hero", this movie is the punchline of it's own joke.


LAH and FF have a lot in common, actually. One could imagine them taking place in the same universe. Both feature an LA populated only with hot chicks, where cool dictates the laws of physics.


why dont you speak for yourself? 'and everyone else in the free world didn't think much of this movie'. i have loved this movie since it first came out.


I agree with you on that point. I remember being 13 years old and my brother and I talked our mother into taking us to the drive-in to see it. She agreed because she like the line "Treat me like the pig that I am.", a line whinch was in the trailer, but cut from the actual finished film which upset her, but she did enjoy it for the most part. As for my brother and myself, we loved it, granted I was 13, as I stated earlier, and my brother was 9, but it was still great. Outside of my being a huge Dice fan, the three of us loved ed O'neill in this film. I wish it had been a bigger hit, but it seems like fox wimped out a bit at the last moment when it came to promoting the film as they should have. Pre-release promtion was strong, but the pressure seemed to have gotten to them by the time of releasing the film. I also had the comic book tie-in and crappy soundtrack. The film needed a strong soundtrack and they got the shaft big time in that department. The only other major, by his career standards, film that he had up his sleeve was "Dice Rules", the trailer was aired amny times on television which was and is extremely rare for an NC-17 rated film, but the box office performance was awful.
