MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) Discussion > Overlooked Comedy Gem, Sequel Needed

Overlooked Comedy Gem, Sequel Needed

This is a funny movie that got skewered by many critics. The skewering wasn't due to the movie being bad but Andrew Dice Clay's humor that is frequently anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-Asian and anti-anything. Dice came off as racist in his concerts. I saw Roger Ebert basically ignore reviewing the movie and railed about Clay's comedy being racist and anti-Semitic. However I notice Don Rickles did this sort of thing for decades and was vastly more racist than any comedian I've heard yet Rickles is loved. Don Rickles did the racial stuff and had friends of every color in real life. It was just an act and he poked fun at every race including his own. Andrew Dice Clay, while not as classy as Rickles, does the same thing. Clay makes fun of Jews and is a Jew himself.

I noticed in the movie he had two of my favorite singers. Sheila E and Morris Day. Day was the lead singer of the group The Time. The Time is probably the coolest group that ever existed. Sheila E is a talented drummer and singer and I was glad to see her in a movie.

It was also good to see Ed O'Neil as the cop who hated Ford and they played well off each other. The arguments they had were like two little kids on the playground.

The movie itself is raunchy and cartoonish. Clay is perfect as the main cartoon character of Ford Fairlane. The jokes didn't work always but the movie had some style. It's a cult classic and a sequel needs to be made. However because of Clay's anti-Semitic humor he basically screwed any chance of big budget sequel. They knew it would sell as a DVD so a sequel would probably make more than the original at the box office.



Overlooked comedy gem? Absolutely
Sequel needed? Ehh, not so sure.

I mean, how could you go wrong with the pop culture stew-of-a-cast that featured Dice, Elvis' Ex, Wayne Frickin Newton, the lead singer of Motley Crue, Freddy Kreuger, a very young and hot Lauren Holly, Gilbert Gottfried, Al Bundy, Sheila E, and the lead singer of the greatest band in the world, the muthuhf*@kin Time!


I was thinking a sequel would be needed on this also.., but also had another idea about just having "The Rock and Roll Detective" be hired in another movie (or as a gag opening in someone's standup special titled.., oh I don't know.. "Have you seen me lately?", or "Where am I?")

I had a great idea for this for a Jeff Dunham movie.. ("Arguing With Myself")

Jeff and his cast of puppets finish a show, (and like Jim Henson's Muppets, are real) and Jeff drops them all off at their homes.
Being the last dropped off, Walter would be the last one to see Jeff. He would also be the first one picked up.
Well, the next day, they have an afternoon show to do.., Jeff doesn't show up. He doesn't call. Walter begins to worry. Walter's wife, (either Sharon Stone, or a puppet voice by Ms. Stone) calls Jeff. No answer. Walter calls the other guys (Peanut, Bubba J, Sweet Daddy D and Jose Jalepeno[on a stick]). Nobody's seen him, or heard from Jeff.
Walter goes down to the police station, but since Jeff is an adult, and it hasn't been 24 hours.. there's nothing they can really do at this point time. The desk sargeant suggests either waiting for his friend (Jeff) to show, or hire a private detective.

There's more to this, but hey.. why give it all away.. lol

I had thought this up the night I went to see Jeff perform at Gary Field's in Battle Creek, MI on Oct.19, 2006.




since i made the comment before the 2 posts that have been deleted, I'm wondering what was said.


this is the most underrated comedy of the 90's easily. kingpin also is extremely underrated, but i have to take ford fairlane cause it reminds me of being 15 years old and enjoying life for the most part


I have to honestly say that I don't recall any anti-semetic jokes in his act, at one time I owned all of his albums (up to 40 Too Long), if you can remeber any, please share. I would have liked to have seen a sequel, but I think he's a bit too heavy, is missing too much hair, and it's not as much of a Rock N Roll world as it once was. I'm pained to say this, but in the last few years it has become more of a hip hop and teeny bopper pop world. It would be different if we were back in the 90's when NIRVANA lead an actual Rock N Roll revolution and opened the flood gates for a number of great Rock N Roll bands.


I don't recall any anti-semetic jokes either, and he definitely didn't do any racist jokes against African Americans. If you do your career is over.

Unbelievable - EMF
