Movies from the era people might like, add to the list.
1. Skin Deep
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
1. Skin Deep
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
Hudson Hawk
The Last Dragon
Somewhere there is a land of peace, acceptance, love, and equality. Pray they do not allow humans.
That's a really wide definition... If people want something similar to this in tone, then Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985). Yeah, it's not from the 90s, but Ford Fairlane is pretty much caught right between the two decades anyway. Also, Stallone's Oscar (1991), Dice's straight to video feature "Brain Smasher... A Love Story (1993)" and maybe even Goldblum's "Mad Dog Time (1996)" and Pitt/Basinger's adult take on Roger Rabbit "Cool World (1992)". If you want a movie about a music fixer - Travolta's "Be Cool (2005)", the poor sequel to his popular 1990s crime comedy Get Shorty (1995). Also, Willis and Tony Scott's classic buddy action comedy The Last Boy Scout (1991) for those who enjoyed Harlin's kinetic direction in Ford Fairlane. And let's not forget "Streets of Fire (1984)".