As I recall, Tom asked Diana to marry him and Harvey and Jane were also going to get married. There was a great scene where Harvey wanted to practice kissing and Jane was revolted but during the wedding, she nearly knocked Harvey over kissing him - it was like a whole new Jane had been released. They had a double wedding with Tom and Diana, but Tom decided he didn't want them to marry, just to live together, which they did.
"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."
Thank you for the help, IridescentTranquility and merriemoles. I really appreciate it. I love the series, but my local PBS station seems to be showing it out of order, so it's a bit hard to keep up. I've actually seen that episode, but didn't realize it was the ending to the series. Didn't Jane "date" Tom's son Geoffrey when he was separated from Marion? How did Jane and Harvey get together? In most of the episodes I've seen they show Jane in total admiration of Harvey, and he treats her like a dim-witted pest. I remember him saying annoyingly, "Jane you are touching me." Thank you again.
Thank you again, merriemoles! Too much of a spoiler? No, certainly not.. I asked the questions and you told me the answers. I will certainly keep watching the show, I enjoy it very much. Harvey and Marion? Oh, the thought of them together. *shudders* Oh, that Harvey! Club memberships and tax breaks? He's a romantic one isn't he?
I hated that jane married harvey. she should've stayed with jeffry. he should've divorced marion and married jane. harvey and marion should've stayed together after "doing it". how often does harvey get a woman who actually wants him, beside for jane?
"I hated that jane married harvey. she should've stayed with jeffry. he should've divorced marion and married jane. harvey and marion should've stayed together after "doing it". how often does harvey get a woman who actually wants him, beside for jane?"
I fully agree with you. This series had it's ups and downs in my opinion, and I am not really crazy about the final story arc. Harvey becoming a priest was dumb, Jane agreeing to marry him was even more unbelievable. The final Geoffrey plot was terrible. I hated his biker mentality and found it utterly stupid. I think he and Jane should have stayed together as well, for they made a cute couple. That would have been a far better ending for both Jane and Geoffrey instead of keeping them with horrid people like Marion and Harvey. All of this reeked of the need to make all the little pieces fit perfectly instead of simply having the courage to to let the chips fall where they may. The only thing they needed to do was to focus on Tom and Diana's marriage plot (the one thing they got right). Tom and Diana kept the end of the series afloat, but the rest was silly.
Well, I liked the ending. I didn't mind Jane & Geoffrey being close for a while - on the contrary, I think it was good for both of them - but they're both so individually wimpy, I don't see how it could've worked in the long term. I wish Geoffrey had a happier ending, divorced Marion & - oh I don't know, started a new life somewhere, got his own DIY store or something. One of my favourite scenes is Diana & Jane's hen night in the stripper club, which introduces Jane to men - that kiss she gave Harvey at the altar was incredible, for her! I think Jane would have kept Harvey on the straight & narrow from then on, & they'd have been happy. He'd already decided she was fantastic, I bet it grew from there.
The only thing I had doubts about, but didn't disagree with, was Tom deciding he & Diana shouldn't marry. I mean, it was because he was religious & didn't want to live in sin that he proposed in the first place, wasn't it? Wouldn't his conscience bother him from time to time? I'd like to think it wouldn't, but I don't know.
Catriona x
"...a babe with a bob cut & a magnificent bosom" - Geraldine, "The Vicar of Dibley"
I loved the scene with the strippers and Jane. Hilarious stuff...and not bad on the eyes either!
As for Tom, he realized that the wedding was for his benefit and the he was being selfish. He also recognized that Diana cared enough for him to swallow her true feelings on the matter for no other reason than to make him happy. He realized that her willingness to go through with it was enough, so he made the sacrifice to show how much he really cared.
* * * * If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?