Series finale lacked familiar faces
The final episode of Season 6 ("Things Aren't Simple Anymore") missed an opportunity to bring back – if only for a brief cameo – Mrs. Warboys and Mr. Swainey, perhaps in one of the flashbacks that Margaret experiences. It would have been a good way to wrap up the show with two of the characters that were there from the very beginning. Writer David Renwick would not have had any trouble working them in, I'm sure.
Think of their appearance in the final episode as a curtain call in the theater. (I'm reminded of the final scene of the film "Murder on the Orient Express," in which the cast members stepped to the camera, one by one or in couples, toasting with champagne at the audience. I'm not suggesting such a contrived appearance, but Renwick would have come up with a good treatment.)
Alternatively, scenes from all previous episodes, showing some of the characters who took part in the show, might have been turned into a silent montage as background for the final credits. As it is, the credits are shown against a sequence of film clips of the English countryside, an odd choice, in my opinion.
What do you viewers think? And if you like the montage idea, who are some of the characters you would have liked to see in it?
By the way, I wonder if the episode's title – "Things Aren't Simple Anymore" – originally was to be Victor's final statement. His last words to himself, just before taking the train back home after the failed reunion of milkmen, were "Things can only get better."