computer salesman

In which episode does Victor spend all morning buying an expensive computer from a visiting salesman but when the time comes to sign refuses because the salesman shouted abuse at him from his company car a couple of days previously?


Broken reflection series 3, love that episode . its where his brother alfred comes to stay, I loved him with the computer salesmen, that guy was a right tosser.


7,962 pounds and 35 pence seemed to me too much for a computer, database software, printer, fax, and fotocopier ("the M240 computer package") anyway. But, hey, it's a comedy.
And it was a good payback from the "daft, dawdling old a***hole."


One of the greatest moments of the series. Victor gets sweet revenge on the saleman who cut him up on the road and shouted abuse at him. Wouldn't we all love to get revenge like that.
