In Timeless Time

Why did Margeret call Freddy Krueger Hardy Krueger?


She mistook Freddy Krueger -- the fictitious main character in all those "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies -- for Hardy Krueger (aka Kruger), a German actor who has appeared in English-language movies since the 1950s.



I have to be honest I'm a bit confused as to how Margaret got confused with the films " A nightmare on Elm Street" and " a bridge too far". Admittedly I haven't seen " A bridge too far" but I know the two movies are extremely different.

I can definitely understand Margret getting the names Hardy and Freddy Krueger mixed up but it seems kinda odd that she'd get the two different films mixed up as well

I wonder how she got those two films mixed up. Unless she purposely told Victor the wrong film so he wouldn't think about it and remain awake. It was hinted in the episode " In Lutton Airport no one can hear you scream " Victor was or could be, quite sensitive to Horror films (Margaret's line about staying up to watch that Alfred Hitchcock film put all sorts of silly ideas into his head)

Crop Rotation in the 14th century was considerably more widespread after John.
