Actor who played Victor's brother died 2 Aug 2011
I just stumbled into an obituary in The Guardian for Welsh actor RICHARD DePEARSALL PEARSON, who played Victor's brother Alfred in Episode 3 of Season 3 ("The Broken Reflection") of One Foot in the Grave. He died 2 Aug 2011, one day after his 93rd birthday, at an old actors' home in London, according to another obituary I read later.
If you were unaware of his passing, I urge you to Google his obituaries in The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Independent and other British papers. They are all very praiseful of his talent as someone who "defined the role of a good supporting player" (The Telegraph).
In OFITG, he played Alfred, a vacuous man who flies to England from New Zealand to visit his brother Victor. We first see him at the airport, waiting to be picked up by Margaret, his hat on fire because he tapped out his pipe inside it. At the dinner table that evening, he opens the conversation with this gem: "Auntie Gertie escaped again the other week."
And then he irks Victor by asking: "So how are you coping now, Victor? Bit of a big one, is it? Retirement. Suddenly being thrown onto the scrap heap of life, a prisoner in your own home with no prospects, no purpose, nothing to live for? (PAUSE) I'm not getting you down, I hope?"
Pearson was 74 when he appeared in that episode. He did a lovely job, I thought.
[WRITTEN 2 DAYS LATER: And while I'm checking the obituaries, I see that actress HILARY MASON, who played the sweet old lady with the bad hip socket in "The Big Sleep" (Episode 2, Season 1) died 5 Sept 06 at the age of 89. She was 83 when she filmed that episode.]