Chris Maggie

Did Chris and Maggie really get together in season 6 or was it just that Chris liked her?



It should have been Joel, damn it! - J-Street7

Ugh! As Shelly would say, "glib and textually unwarranted." Or, more accurately, trite and predictable, adhering perfectly to rom-com convention.

One of the many reasons I love NX is because it flouted such convention. I love that Joel and Maggie did NOT get together and remained, as they put it, "mutually desirous incompatibles." As Maggie put it later, "you meet the people you're supposed to meet" as you continue along your journey. Both Maggie and Joel are still on their respective journeys, and they met each other because that was who they were supposed to meet at that stage, but neither is each other's destination.

That's my take on it. You and I disagree on a number of NX points, but I would hope that a show as rich, expansive, and thoughtful as NX would not produce fans who all think the same, so I also hope it's a friendly disagreement.

"Music begins where words leave off." - Village wisdom


