Best weather episode - k-man-3
Hmm. A couple of ways to play this one, I suppose.
One of my all-time favorites is "First Snow" (AKA "Bon Hiver"), but although it is about the coming of winter--among other more profound concerns--the weather itself isn't really a factor.
So, what comes to mind first is "Una Volta in L'Inverno," with Joel and Maggie getting snowed in at the Cicely airport. Next is "Ill Wind," with the Cohoes wreaking havoc.
Those two have weather as direct influences on happenings in and around Cicely, but opening it up to the broader issue of season or climate produces the "mood" and "character" you describe. For example, "Midnight Sun," at the height of summer, has Joel "light loony" because of near-24-hour daylight, while "Northern Lights," at the depths of winter, plunges everyone into near-24-hour darkness, as does "Una Volta in L'Inverno," which shows Walt becoming addicted to his light visor.
And then there's poor Ed getting zapped by "A Bolt from the Blue." I don't know what must have felt worse--getting hit by lightning, or by Adam's sneering lecture about how life is just a cruel place. Ouch!
"Death is an old joke but it's new to everyone." - Ivan Turgenev