MovieChat Forums > Northern Exposure (1990) Discussion > Joels hair in the final season

Joels hair in the final season

Anyone else find it odd Joel started using so much product in his hair in the final season?
Before he went up river his hair was already long. It was just greased down and wet looking for the entire first part of season 6. Not as bad as Jules, but def seemed odd he would walk around with that much product in his hair all of the suddent. Esp since he would often but his hands on his hair in frustration. Did you dig his look?


I thought it was interesting how he did the different hair and the beard near the end. I didn't care the the greased product look, though. In fact, in that episode where the barber found the cyst on his head, the barber even mentioned something about how he should "wash his hair before he comes in for a haircut" which made it seem the product was kinda disgusting even.


Wasn't the idea that he wasn't washing his hair at all? Not that he had "product" in it. The product was used by the show to make it look unwashed/greasy.


In the start of the season he was. Likely to not make if look as wild as it did when he went up river. I'm guessing they told him not to cut it.
