MovieChat Forums > Law & Order (1990) Discussion > I was a victim, criminal and then I got ...

I was a victim, criminal and then I got a job on L & O

I love law and order. I’ve watched it from day one as a teen and I continue to watch the reruns on tnt, oxygen, sundance and nbc (and when it used to come on usa and tbs). anyway, I loved how so many folks got on the show after being guest stars and became regulars. This is my list:

Jerry orbach, a sleezy lawyer who became Lennie briscoe

s. epatha merkerson, a mom who worked nights at a building cleaning whose sons were shot, one was dead, the other paralyzed became lt. Anita Van Buren

Michael imperioli, a limo driver who kills a girl, became nick falco

Annie parisse, a former call girl who got a guy to give her info to get a young woman killed became ada Alexandra Borgia

Milena govich, a barteder who because nina cassady

Jeremy sisto, I think he was a sleazy lawyer and then became cyus lupo

Michelle hurd, a fbi informant who lied about a civil rights leader’s son became Monique Jeffries on svu

Ice t was a pimp that was killed in a l& o move became odafin tutola

Diane neal was one of the three ladies that raped the stripper became casey novak

Kelli giddish was in two shows, a rape victim in SVU and the girlfriend of a man they thought was a terrorist on cI became Amanda rolins

Raul esparza was on two shows, but I honestly don’t remember him on one of them (blackmail) but I remember him as the da who was trying to drive eames crazy on ci.

Bebe neuwirth was a talent agency head, became tracey kibre

Amy Carlson, she killed her hubby’s new wife by throwing her over the railing on a ferry on svu and then she accused her policeman hubby of rape became Kelly Gaffney on tbj

Scott cohen was eddie neuman who killed his wife Heidi Ellison in my favorite law and order three part episode became chris ravell on tbj

Kirk acevedo was on l& O, but I don’t remember it, became hector Salazar on tbj

Peter Scanavino hit the quadruple being on all four shows, he was on svu as a victim of sexual assault, I can’t remember him on trial by jury because I haven’t seen the reruns of that one, in ci he was a criminal who robbed pawn shops to get money for his mom’s addiction, and on L & O I think he might have been accused of rape became Dominick carisi, jr.

Did I forget someone???


Did I forget someone???

You forgot to skip lines and use paragraphs.

It would be a lot easier to read if you had. 


Sorry I cut and pasted it earlier when I had to hurry up and go somewhere. Thanks.



I always have liked Paul Hecht who molested his (at least) two daughters and as an OB/GYN, raped Dr. Olivet and about 40 other women.

I only have one person on ignore, but I've had to ignore him 625 different times.


J.K. Simmons played a white supremacist/terrorist in the Homicide half of one of the Homicide/ Law & Order crossovers.


That probably came in handy when he was playing Vern Schillinger on "Oz"


J.K. Simmons also appeared as a video tech in an early episode of L&O, Sanctuary the one where Michael Constantine did a hit & run in Harlem.


Don't forget J.K. Simmons also played the Nazi gang leader Vern Schillinger in the HBO Oz series.


Great listing, I like to notice the actors in early episodes who become regulars as well. I have also liked it when they play on several L&O shows as different or the same character.

Ron Orbach (Jerry's cousin) played a lawyer in the original 3 different episodes from: Attorney Client (2002) ... Max Hellmann
- Blue Bamboo (1994) ... Max Hellman
- Doubles (1994) ... Max Hellman

L&O: Trial by Jury: - Vigilante (2005) ... Mike

L&O: Criminal Intent: - Ex Stasis (2005) ... Devon Gehry

His page doesn't show anymore appearances on any of the shows and I was trying to catch him on an episode running tonight but never could see him.

Another was Eric Bogosian who played a defense lawyer I believe on 2 shows then went to CI as the Captain:
Law & Order (TV Series)
- Night & Fog (1993) ... Gary Lowenthal
- Conspiracy (1992) ... Gary Lowenthal

Law & Order: Criminal Intent (TV Series)
Captain Danny Ross
- Loyalty: Part 1 (2010) ... Captain Danny Ross
- Revolution (2009) ... Captain Danny Ross
- Alpha Dog (2009) ... Captain Danny Ross
- Major Case (2009) ... Captain Danny Ross
- All In (2009) ... Captain Danny Ross
61 episodes from 2006 to 2010....he replaced Jamey Sheridan.

Also Courtney B. Vance:
Law & Order (TV Series)
Benjamin 'Bud' Greer / Mayor's Assistant
- Rage (1995) ... Benjamin 'Bud' Greer
- By Hooker, by Crook (1990) ... Mayor's Assistant (uncredited)

Then was the ADA in:
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (TV Series)
A.D.A. Ron Carver
- The Good (2006) ... A.D.A. Ron Carver
- To the Bone (2006) ... A.D.A. Ron Carver
- On Fire (2006) ... A.D.A. Ron Carver
- Cruise to Nowhere (2006) ... A.D.A. Ron Carver
- The Healer (2006) ... A.D.A. Ron Carver
Show all 111 episodes

Leslie Hendrix played the same character in all 4 Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers. I think Munch would flirt with her sometimes on SVU but it seemed she preferred Lenny on L&O and would throw hints his way. I don't remember seeing TBJ so missed her 1 episode there. She was on CI 110 episodes and L&O 142 times with 9 on SVU.

guess those are all for now but this is fun to share.


Yes! I love it when Rodgers flirts with Lenny.


Here you touch a nice point. in the very title "i was criminal then i do LAW AND ORDER.. at first sight i was thinking that it is about something else:
I was Lyle, Erik Menendez, Loreta Bobbitt... etc and then i became law and order episode.
THIS IS WHAT HEGEL said apropos Julius Caesar ..first he was the name Caesar, then c a e s a r is a title.

so we may read this sentence twofold.. but also it may mean "i was a criminal, then i became artist in a TV show and films

Is't this the case of many of the actors in Wire.. the actor who plays the pastor there is actually the prototype for Stringer Bell.

This SUBJECTIVE REALISM we have in law and Order too.
ok..the first and most obvious moment is appearance of mayor Rudolph Giuliani with the interim D.A after Adam Schiff leaved.
the second crucial materialistic intrusion is related with all this synchronization between the scripts and the actor's actual antecedents
all of them Irish Italian- as in Sopranos..we have not many non Italian playing Sopranos family
Same it is with Briscoe and Munch..
Dworkin, too.("Thinking Makes It So) when they need Balkan guy they seek for similar actor..the Bulgarian in SVU 11 season (Sharon Stone -ADA.. the actor who depicted Bulgarian mob boss in the Show with name "A n t o n P e t r o v " and ith real life an ex com who work a mob boss and who was actually secret agent amongst the criminals - but at the end he was dirty cop who were with the mob bosssin the same tome Alexey Petrov the real individual who was in Bulgarian prison at the time of airing of the episode - May the actor is Russian. this physiognomy materially correct aspect goes with the Hegelian dictum "THE SPIRIT IS A BONE" said regarding the chapter on Physiognomy

the next but for me the best case is Branch
but the founding father of this structuralist (see French Structuralism) interference are the writers and creators.. who imposed this matrix there.. Sometimes the very structure is the actor, for ex, when the actor leaves the Show and they need to kill the detective him
ask simple question..why is this.. I believe they not only don't want to avoid this, but they exploiting this to the end to impact the story.. is my question..what will be the damage if they put there a new actor and to name him with the same name.. we have this in many soap the character they rent the character Rich in "Beauty and Daring" i heard my mother 15 years ago to say- "the new Rich is not so handsome"

so this is structural necessity to affect the contain, the story
this is little bit Karl Marx deterministic thing..
The mode of production will goes further so some change in society are inevitable.. we call this Marxist theology and here is the founding father- Dick Wolf and others

from here I want to withdraw a logic separating the heroes on two groups
Leninists and Trotskyites.
no, this plat level who is looking like, speaking like..i am talking about structural point ..

to be more clear i will is easy to stress that the Trotsky like figure in the show is Detective Munch.. he is even structurally a fellow traveler..from one show to another.. like Derridaen (from Jacques Derrida) form he is serving on many places.passing from one show to another, like wandering jew (Wotan in Wagnerian cycles.passes from one to other..this is not easy to grasp at all if you are not familiar with post-structuralist, deconstructionism logic a 'neither nor figure ) . .the character that goes in different stories but remain the same..same as Woody Allen same structure all the time , woody allen playing one and same role, same jokes even
so..the other Trotskyite, natural Trotskyite is Jack McCoy.

But I am not going into this cheap division..much more interesting is
Who is the Real politician - Arthur Branch or Ben Stone..
the Both are dealing with transcendental imposition of arguments..and authorities.. Branch is politician but not real politician..
he is the Trotskyite ..the Leninist is ben Stone.. (here I am using here a very problematic logic "Francis Fukuyama identified neoconservatism with Leninism during 2006.[20] He wrote that neoconservatives:

believed that history can be pushed along with the right application of power and will.[20]

/a suivre/




I've thought about this many times before. Law and Order is one of the worst for having ZERO continuity. I think you identified most of them. I remember Allan Melvin playing 3 or 4 different characters during the Andy Griffith Run.

My favorite show for "continuity" is Jerry Seinfeld. With very few (one or two?) exceptions they were consistent through their entire series, including the finale.

Everybody Loves Raymond had at least one huge mistake when they had Jon Manfrellotti as the "cable guy" and later he was Gianni for quite a few episodes.

Having said all that one of my favorite series that didn't last long was the Richard Boone show; OK, I'm old enough to remember. They called it an anthology series with a "fixed" cast of actors who played various roles each week.


this is exactly the type of "Continuity" we got on TV news.. they issued some new footage, for example- woman is killed by teenager. but there is no some social plan in this and this news "mortify" itself in the last day.. nobody cares after , what happen in the prison with the teenager, or what were the reasons for him to kill this exactly woman.. the news is like representative for many other cases like that.
same as Law and order episodes they have this universal aspect. and because many of this stories are taken from THE VERY REGION OF THE TV NEWS the stories of LAW AND ORDER show are like implicit continuing for the news..
The media turmoil about Lorena Bobbitt do not finds it continuity in the ..let say.. 2015 ..where is Bobbitt today .. no..we don't need this..the sublation of the story is not "further" but in the higher level..not in the timeline.. but how we may develop it in the art, in cinema.. what a hegelian scholar will tell you.. we do not learn from news, we learn from cinema about were in the want o see some news -go see Law and order.. or Sopranos.. or Citizen K the whole truth about October 1917 we have from Eisenstein movie "Oktyabr". they shoot the real events.. what the real events should be.
I hope from here we may teach hegelian dialectic very well

this relation is twofold.i was law and order director and now i became a news (Jace Alexander) what a better is exactly what Hegel said in PHENOMENOLOGY "NOT ONLY AS SUBSTANCE, BUT ALSO AS SUBJECT"..


same as
Lillo Brancato as Bevilaqua Kid in Sopranos.or Matthew Bevilaqua as
Lillo Brancato
He was involved in a murder of the security guard.

Lillo Brancato Jr may plea that the cinema corrupted him..because he feel the pressure to act like a star but he was paid not dollar but 50CNTS as it became recently clear.. Lillo took for Calogero Anello" in Robert De Niro's 1993 directorial debut, A Bronx Tale only $25000.
in the same time he has to live with the burden that he is a an actor.

as here..we are thinking lie that HERE IS the mind of public" clear and pure ethical substance.. and there is the crime.. is from this side..not out there..
but here it is the corruption, the malicious influence comes from here to there..not from outside to inside..

now the Jace Alexander defense may hint to DA "Do you realize what happening now..if you convict our client NBC, the state will have hundred of 1000 appeals - claiming that NBC, the very society, public television influenced the mind of their own people with subliminal suggestion what should they want, what should be their ultimate desire..because the cinema as we Know very well Teach us how to desire.. what to desire..
we think there are two minds- one of the criminal, perpetrator and one , behind the public eye that will chase after.. no two.there is always One.

The problem for us is not, Are our desires satisfied or not? The problem is, How do we know what we desire? There is nothing spontaneous, nothing natural, about human desires. Our desires are artificial. We have to be taught to desire. Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn’t give you what you desire, it tells you how to desire



The definition of "Lack of continuity" is M*A*S*H.

The original post title I think has been pretty common throughout the history of television. I'm a huge fan of the original "Perry Mason" show and some of the same actors played victim, criminal, witness, red herring and police, etc.


Continuity has to do with characters themselves, not actors. A lack of continuity would be something like Det. Rey Curtis suddenly having only one child, a son, after it had been previously established that he had three daughters. Or Det. Lennie Briscoe suddenly becoming a lifelong bachelor, after having spent numerous episodes making digs at his ex-wives.

That actually happened with Donald Cragen. When he appeared on "Law and Order" during its first few seasons (before he was replaced as Lt. on that show by Van Buren) he mentioned having a teenager. Later on, on "SVU" it was established that he had never had any children with his wife.


I love this thread!


Here's one.

Peter Jacobsen.

3 episodes as defense attorney, Randall Dworkin Esq, and an episode as a doctor on L&O: TOS

3 episodes as pimp Bart Ganzel on SVU


Jeremy Sisto, I think he was a sleazy lawyer and then became Cyrus Lupo

That's got to be a record, as they were back-to-back episodes, albeit a season finale and season opener.

Frank Converse appeared in several episodes beginning with Season 2, Episode 11 His Hour Upon the Stage (December 10, 1991). Converse played Gary Wallace, his first of four appearances as different characters (1991-2004). He later appeared in Season 6, Episode 11 Corpus Delicti (January 17, 1996), Season 9, Episode 22 Admissions (May 19, 1999), and Season 14, Episode 23 Caviar Emptor (May 12, 2004)

In the 1996 and 2004 episodes, he was in the horse business both times as different characters and both times was interviewed by Briscoe.

Actress Lindsay Crouse played Diane Meade in Season 3, Episode 14 Promises to Keep (February 10, 1993). She played a Judge that died in Season 10, Episode 3 DNR (October 6, 1999), and then came back to life as another Judge in Season 16, Episode 1 Red Ball (September 21, 2005)

Joe "We're authorized" Fontana: I can do this all day, Mitch. How about you?
