My favorite Adam line is perhaps his longest line in the series. It's ironic because, according to the book, "Law & Order: The Unofficial Companion," by Susan Greene and Kevin Courrier, Hill always wanted to be given fewer and shorter lines.
The line is from Season 4's, "The Golden Years," an episode about a young woman who is accused of killing her grandmother by starving her to death. Near the end of the episode, EADA Ben Stone considers offering her a plea bargain. Here is what Adam had to say to Ben about this possibility:
"You and the girl's lawyer want to pressure her into pleading to a lesser charge that she might *not* be guilty of so she won't be convicted of a more serious charge that she *might* be guilty of? Does that make sense?"
What a long, twisted line Adam said! Gotta read it a few times to understand it all. Ben's reply was pretty good, too. "With our system and imperfect knowledge? Yes."