MovieChat Forums > Law & Order (1990) Discussion > McCoy's female assistants

McCoy's female assistants

The only one that I liked was Claire Kincaid. The rest were annoying. I absolutely couldn't stand Rubirosa or Carmichael.

Who did anyone one else like?

Interestingly, after the one episode about a former asst. who had manipulated evidence while working with McCoy, the audience never gets a peek at Jack's personal life again. He's divorced, has a daughter on the West Coast, and apparently never gets involved ever again.

On the other hand, we learned far too much about Jamie's ex-husband and child.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


Who did anyone one else like?

I liked Carmichael. She had guts and got in the faces of several defendants and/or opposing counsels. She also was the only one I recall that tried a case on her own.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Rubirosa was/is my favorite ADA of McCoys. Mainly b/c she (of all of his assisistants) cared about the law in general.

Even after McCoy became D.A. and she was second chair to Cutter, she still put her feelings aside in order to practice the law. Just like McCoy, They both were ALWAYS about the word of the law.


Not sure that describes McCoy. He enjoyed bending the rules of law quite a bit and going over the line a few times. Stone seemed to me to adhere to the law more than McCoy. I still liked McCoy better.


Claire was my favorite. I hate hate hate that Wolf killed her off. Still a big mistake in my book. Prevented her from guest starring. Carmichael was #2 for me. She was tough and didn't back down to anyone. Rubirosa would be #3 for me. She was solid. Good actress.

Serena was not written well and the actress playing her was so flat with her delivery. And then the whole ridiculous last line. Borgia always looked like a deer in headlights. I go back and forth on Jamie. She was such a bitch so many times during the show. She had a way about her that screamed bitch. Other times she was bearable.

They did go back to Jack's personal life after the manipulation of evidence. Jamie set him up with a date that seemingly went well.

So it would be
1. Claire
2. Carmichael
3. Rubirosa
4. Jamie
5. Tie between Serena/Borgia

As far as who Jack liked best. I would say.
1. Claire-Obvious reasons
2. Jamie-Even though he fought with her the most, he was quite fond of her.
3. Serena-
4. Rubirosa-Very professional relationship
5. Carmichael-Never thought Jack warmed to her exactly.
6. Borgia


I would buy you a drink for this post!




During the original run of the show I didn't think this way, but now that I've seen the reruns a million times I have to say that Jamie Ross is my favorite. To me she seemed the most realistic and the most fully fleshed out character on a show that didn't always delve into their private lives. I'd rank them this way:

1. Jamie Ross
2. Abbie Carmichael
3. Claire Kincaid
4. Connie Rubirosa
5. Serena Southerlyn (though I didn't mind her, just like the others more)

Marge: He's had a heart-attack! Quick someone do CPR!
Homer: [singing] I see a bad moon rising.


I liked Kincaid but I didn't like her sleeping with McCoy, although it was very subtle and wasn't said explicitly until she died. Because of the romance, it was good that Kincaid left when she did, although I wish they hadn't have killed her off because I would've liked to see her return as a defense attorney like Robinette and Ross did. I also liked Rubirosa, Carmichael and Ross. Paul Robinette was excellent as well. I didn't hate Serena like others do but she was somewhat irritating in that her agenda didn't fit with the DA's office and she was much more a "bleeding heart" defense lawyer type but that was the defining part of her personality and a nice change from Carmichael's super tough stance, and it also balanced out Branch's hard nosed, tough more conservative stance. The one I never liked was Borgia. She didn't have a personality, she was weak, didn't speak up for herself and could easily be run over, I hated her religious conservatism that she liked to reference and she was inconsistent and didn't add anything. The writers didn't know what to do with that character.

My rankings would be

1. Carmichael
2. Rubirosa
3. Kincaid
4. Robinette
5. Ross
6. Southerlyn
7. Borgia


Well Borgia paid for it; most vicious exit I can think of! 

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Yup. I don't think Wolf liked that she wanted off the show. So there you go.


Interesting. I don't recall Borgia's religious attitude at all when she was on the show. I guess I wasn't paying attention to it. Definitely noticed Rey's Catholic background and of course Adam's faith. I did know that Jack was Catholic as well.


Serena - least favourite. Dull, flat delivery and terrible makeup.
I liked Claire outside the courtroom, and watching scenes with her &amp; Jack once we figured out they were lovers.
In the episode about the bikers, Colors?, forgot title, Claire gets to cross-examine a witness. Her delivery is weak, despite Jack's "Atta girl!" afterward.
Jamie - too arrogant. Bad hair, too.
Abbie - did she ever display humanity? She was a relentless robot. Oh, wait. Refuge, Part II, she was shaken by the death of a colleague.
Borgia - not bad
Rubirosa - not bad, and i liked her speaking Spanish.
BTW, Jill Hennessy is fluent in several languages, but the writers never let her use them.


Borgia referenced her religious faith numerous times, and she was a whiner and a know it all. Especially in the episode Thinking Makes It So when she whined to McCoy nonstop about how Fontana was wrong to use extreme measures to find a kidnapped girl, and she was on her moral high horse the whole episode. She was overall exceptionally weak and could easily be scared and steamrolled by people. Just a weak ADA with no personality. No one gave a damn when she got killed.

Rey Curtis may have been the most annoying of them all, he was constantly preachy about morality when he was nothing more than a hypocritical punk. I hated that character and loved it when Van Buren or McCoy would take him down a peg.

It's interesting as I never remember hearing anything about Schiff's religion, I've always assumed he was Jewish given that Steven Hill was a devout Jew and it was hinted at that Schiff was Jewish, but it was never explicitly confirmed I don't think.
