MovieChat Forums > Law & Order (1990) Discussion > TNT so could have picked this show up

TNT so could have picked this show up

I am mad as HELL to this day this show got cancelled and remember the day I first learned about it more than six years ago when going on one afternoon. It was obviously due to money issues and Dick Wolf not wanting to take a pay cut, which was stupid on his part because he was making enough money as it is on the other shows and could have handled a pay-cut. But then NBC could have cancelled their "Law & Order: LA" spinoff and just let the original show continue on that budget even if Wolf wouldn't give in to a pay cut. Making an LA version of the show was pointless since it was just the same as this show and ended up getting cancelled anyway. Surprised they didn't bring this show back for the 2011-12 season, but okay.

But as fat as TNT goes, they had this show on it's line-up all the freaking time several years ago and running marathons like crazy. I'm curious to why they wouldn't want to produce new episodes, but they can pick up a forgettable show like SOUTHLAND that was also an NBC show that was cancelled after just six episodes and have that continue. They pick SOUTHLAND over a long-running and popular show like Law & Order? I feel like Dick Wolf probably had something to do with it and was probably asking for a lot of money. AMC then went to claim it and that didn't work out for some reason (L&O on AMC just seems odd, they're more of a network for much grittier programming).

I want to go back in time and change things. The show could have been in it's 27th season right now with nearly 600 episodes. I am happy SVU is still on the run in it's 18th season and is able to make-up for this show not succeeding the 20 year mark. L&O could have broken a record and still can if NBC ever decides to bring it back for another season which they were planning to do but haven't gone through with that yet, but we have SVU to make up for it at least.


NBC should never have canceled it, Chuckster. L&O could go on for years and years with the right casting choices because there are always more crime stories to come up with and more headlines to rip from. They had had to replace every position in the cast at some point and still were as good as ever in season 20. SVU should've been canceled before L&O, as it was never as good as the mothership and had gotten weaker, but SVU always got more publicity because it appealed more to females because of its ultra PC feminist themes and soap opera elements, so it gets more coverage.

I don't know if TNT picking up the show would've affected the writing, I doubt it but it is better to end the show on a high note than make it a shell of its former self. Criminal Intent sucked terribly when it was switched to USA, but that was mainly because of the departure of head writer and show creator Rene Balcer, and also the departure of Jamey Sheridan and Courtney B Vance from the cast. Had L&O been switched to TNT and kept the same writers and style, it could still be going on on TNT today.


Oh look, you just had to come reply to me. But you behaved yourself this time and didn't say anything stupid and hateful other than your "Chuckster" remark. Still think I'm this user? Well I'm not. But thank you for finally giving me a reply that wouldn't lead to an argument. Can't wait to see what reply you'd have for me next time.


But as faR as TNT goes, they had this show on it's line-up all the freaking time several years ago and running marathons like crazy. I'm curious to why they wouldn't want to produce new episodes, but they can pick up a forgettable show like SOUTHLAND

I too can't believe TNT passed-over new L&O eps.

Then again, CBS in 1988 (2 years before L&O debuted) turned-down Dick Wolfe.
That network saw no future for the show. :)


Well in CBS' defense, the show was nothing at that point. They had no other episodes to see potential in, but TNT had twenty years worth of them so they get no excuse. I can only see it as Dick being his greedy ass self.

