Lenny Briscoe

Does anyone know why Lenny took to the bottle?
Thank You
[email protected]


Initially before we started seeing him in the series; no data! He drank later due to his daughter being murdered after testifying against her dealer in a deal! It was the last episode for Jill playing Claire! ;-/

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Lennie most likely drank because that's what coppers did back in the day.

And sometimes the more sensitive, sweet ones had to booze it up to forget the awful nature of human beings.


He did not drink after his daughter's death. He had been a friend of Bill's for several years (AA) when he came on board at the 27. The only time he was ever drunk was the episode in which Claire Kindaid died. He was drunk after he had a very bad argument with his daughter in the same episode.


The episode's name is Aftershock.


Aftershock is ~ hands-down ~ the best Law & Order episode of any in all the franchises, imo. Gets me every time I watch it.

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I will have to agree. I did not like that ep at all. First of all Claire died in it. That automatically puts it at the bottom. Why in the world did Wolf do that?! Still ticks me off. Could have had her do guest spots. Even the actress said that she would have been up for that. Then you had Rey cheating on his soon to be dead wife with CIA agent Sydney Bristow. No doubt undercover there. Then Jack and Lennie drinking their sorrows away. Depressing episode that had no case.


It's okay, speedy; there are 400+ episodes to get over it.

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Excellent description and I completely agree. Btw, sorry I'm so late to the party. Just recently found this site.


"Most people agree with me"??? Hmm..., yeah, that's why it's the highest rated episode among imdb viewers in 20 YEARS of episodes. Your non-argument is baseless. Let me dumb this down for you, as you obviously need this spoon-fed to you: this episode being the only one of this kind contributes to the superiority. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe I ever said the entire series nor franchise should follow this format. The departure for this one episode is one of MANY reasons it was THE stand-out episode.

Even MORE laughable is your incorrect presumption to equate my my affinity for this episode with (gag) soap operas, you disgusting, incorrect-in-all-ways, imbecilic, public school failing moron.

Quit while you're behind and go back to your Mommy's basement and wait for your virginity to get older and your brain cells to erode further away from lack of use. Man, I'm sick of dealing with idiots of inferior everything 

I'm sorry you don't get it and are trying oh-so hard to be a hipster. My condolences on your epic failure.

www.theanimalrescuesite.com and www.freekibble.com . Free clicks to provide food and litter! <3


Man, I'm sick of dealing with idiots of inferior everything

Solution: Left-click on Flag then click Ignore User. You'll never see another one of their posts. That member is already on my ignore list based upon prior comments.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters



Does anyone know why Lenny took to the bottle?

He had gotten a law degree and worked as a defense lawyer under the name Frank Lehrman, but that gig didn't work out. The following year he went into low-paying police work and took to drinking due to the pay cut and long hours.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters



Aftershock was an awful episode. It was bizarro - world Law &amp; Order. I'm glad they didn't revisit the style.


He was an alcoholic, he didn't need a reason. Thankfully he joined AA and remained sober for a spell, but he relapsed for no good reason.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.


I agree, Lenny (or any alcoholic) doesn't need a reason. But Lenny's relapse was only for one day - in the episode "Aftershock." In this episode, Lenny and other characters witness an execution of a man said to have been arrested by him and Ray. No one seemed particularly happy they helped to execute the criminal. Later in the episode Lenny meets his daughter for lunch and their conversation doesn't end well.

Later, Lenny goes to the same bar where McCoy had been drinking. Lenny initially orders a club soda. He becomes depressed after watching a press conference about the morning's execution and orders a vodka, followed by several more from the guys there with him.
