Does Onslow Love Daisy?
It's clear Daisy loves Onslow, although he never shows it do you think he loved her in some way?
shareIt's clear Daisy loves Onslow, although he never shows it do you think he loved her in some way?
shareOh, Nice one Dais!!
Yes, Onslow loves Daisy. They had to get married but he loves her.
shareYep he loves her, sometimes there is people who do not express it but show it. He got a bit jealous during one episode when Daisy mentioned making love at a bus shelter (obvious in her younger years) with another man.
Vice versa when Daisy clearly showed her own jealous moments in regards to Onslow dating a girl called Bernadette.
He does. The big lug just isn't good at expressing himself about his feelings.
shareLoves her no doubt.
sharei'm sure he did. he just didn't realise that he had to show it
shareYes, he did. Throughout the series I had the sense Onslow was watching out for Daisy. He was comfortable in his life, content with his wife, and they shared a sense of humor that let them drift unperturbed on the waters of everyday events...except when "The Queen Mother" dropped by!
shareI definitely think he loved her. I think he just didn't give Daisy as much romance as she wanted but how many wives wouldn't complain about that? ;)
shareYes I think he loves her, he just wants a quiet life and to be able to sit and watch tellie and eat crisps without interruption. Most married men could do that because their wives wouldn't be interested in having sex (except on special occasions). Poor old Onslow on the other hand gets pestered for sex all the time.
'Oh NICE!'
'Monsters? We're British!'