Favourite Onslow quote
My favourite Onslow remark is "I'll say this much for your Hyacinth. She leaves a lot of happiness behind her. It's such a relief when she's gone." Have you got any favourite Onslow quotes or situations?
shareMy favourite Onslow remark is "I'll say this much for your Hyacinth. She leaves a lot of happiness behind her. It's such a relief when she's gone." Have you got any favourite Onslow quotes or situations?
shareYes I do... 2 that stick in my mind are, (talking to Daisy) "What discourages me about looking for your father is we usually find him."
Another one along the same lines is when Daisy said to him, "Oh come on Onslow, I'd help you find your father" to which he replies,
"Well that it's easy, we know where he is, he's been dead for 12 years!"
that's just 2, out of 5 years of episodes- he was just brilliant!!
Daisy: If you had been married to our Hyacinth, you would have worn a jacket.
Onslow: If I had been married to your Hyacinth, I would have worn ear plugs.
Intelligence and purity.
I quite like "I'm sitting here completely surrounded by no beer."
shareRose: "Father's on the roof again."
Onslow: "Ask him if he's got my bottle opener!"
Two come to mind:
Daisy - "I'll say this much for Onslow, he's always been too bone idle to be unfaithful to me."
Onslow - "Just goes to show, there's good in everybody if you look for it."
Daisy - "Why don't we go on a second honeymoon?"
Onslow - "I remember what happened the first time!"
I second "I'm sitting here completely surrounded by no beer". There's also a conversation with Daisy that I thought was amusing. He says he doesn't take Daisy out to restaurants because of one time thirty years ago when she got spaghetti stuck in her earring at an Italian place.
Om Shanti
Yes!!! I love that quote.
shareI was just about to put this one in myself!!!
shareI was watching the Hyacinth's riverside picnic episode yesterday when I was a bit puzzled about Onslow's joke about a former girlfriend called Melanie. I'm not sure about the exact dialogue but it went something like this below:-
Daisy: Who was that weird girl you used to hang about with?
Onslow: I married you.
Daisy: No. What was her name?
Onslow: Melanie. Her mother was a fan of 'Gone With The Wind.'
I had to look it up but I gather that there is a character called Melanie in the book called 'Gone With The Wind.' But is there a joke in there somewhere that I have missed? Is it a sly joke about Daisy reading Mills and Boon, and then Onslow talking about a more high-flown piece of literature that would go right over Daisy's head? Or is there some other subtlety which I've failed to see. I just wondered if any other Onslow fan out there who has been puzzled by this quote. Or anybody who has their own idea what else it could mean?
It doesn't seem to have any more meaning than that -- the girl's mother was a fan of Gone with the Wind, so named her daughter after a character in the book.
shareI think you're right. I can't see any other meaning to it either. The way that Onslow delivers the line gets a huge laugh from the audience. That just proves that he didn't necessarily have to say anything funny. He would always get a laugh just by talking the way that he did.
shareIt seemed to me that "Melanie", despite the popularity of "Gone with the wind", was a rather unusual name for a girl from that generation. It would become more popular in the next generation though, which is why two of the Spice Girls had that name.
Intelligence and purity.
[with slight corrections...]
Daisy: Whatever happened to that terrible bird you used to knock about with?
Onslow (glancing up slightly puzzled, then over at his wife): I married you.
Daisy: I mean the other one. What was her name?
Onslow: Melanie.
Daisy (giving a scoffing laugh): Fancy going out with a muffin called Melanie!
Onslow: Wasn't her fault. Her mother liked 'Gone With The Wind.'
Thanks for posting the full exact passage of dialogue between Onslow and Daisy in that scene. It made me laugh as I read it.
shareYou're welcome.
The exchange was sort of a Daisy/Onslow running gag and a similar scene can be found in the Angel Gabriel Blue episode.
It starts at the 14minute mark.
In another series four episode, their reminiscing about their honeymoon night when Daisy confessed to being a Liverpool supporter was the same sort of banter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylDp7vAcjGE
This mutual teasing about their past makes Onslow and Daisy very likeable even though they are just as much broad caricatures as all the rest of the regulars.
I can actually accept Daisy/Onslow as a true couple where Hyacinth/Richard make me shudder to imagine as really living together for decades as man and wife.
Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.
Thanks for the links to the Youtube clips of Onslow and Daisy. I will look at those. It's handy to watch those small clips of the characters. Rather than waiting to catch them in the repeated episodes for the individual jokes.
shareAnother vote for "I'm sitting here completely surrounded by no beer".
And, even all the way over here across the pond, I find myself saying "Oh, nice," at least a couple of times a week.
Oh, nice!
After Daisy's been complaining that he didn't pay any attention the time she bought a new nightdress:
"I'll give you a tip our Dais, now you won't find this in any of your romance books... When you wear a see-through negligee, don't wear a vest!"
The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.
This made me laugh so hard when I watched it as well. You can just imagine it and it makes it even funnier. She tries so hard to be sexy and get her romantic life going but it's just not gonna happen.
shareFrom a Yank who loves this show, my favorite has to be Onslow's reply to Rose:
Rose: "Don't you think we ought to tidy up?"
Onslow: "Given the transience of life, biology's awesome potential for instability, and the possible meaninglessness of the entire universe, do you think it's worth the bother?"
Can't fault his logic!
By the way, I remember a compilation episode that featured a bunch of Onslow's great quotes. It's awesome.
Love that one 😆
My favorite Onslow situation and actually favorite episode is where Hyacinth is off on her high horse about a cruise and Onslow and Daisy win first class accommodations on the same cruise.
It shows how much personality, and intelligence (he does read physics books) and smoothness he has.
And he cleaned up nicely in that white dinner jacket.
I like the way that Hyacinth is finally so proud to be seen with Onslow on that cruise. I never thought that we would be seeing those two dance together.
shareI like the way that Hyacinth is finally so proud to be seen with Onslow on that cruise. I never thought that we would be seeing those two dance together.