This show has saved my life on many occasion. Me and my mum used to watch it and laugh all the time. She passed away two years ago and when I get down and don't know what to do, I watch this show and feel my mother watching it and laughing with me.
I think a few of Roy Clarke's comedies have that effect. Keeping up Appearances, Allo Allo, Last of the Summer Wine... they're all very nostalgic comedies. I'm glad Hyacinth keeps you in stitches when the times get bad.
Wow. I can totally relate, except w/ my dad. He introduced me to the show and we watched it together (and laughed, too). He passed away 6 years ago. I watch it every now and again (along with Are You Being Served?) and think of him. It's bittersweet, but I can't help but laugh at it all.
That's how I feel about Are You Being Served? I bought the whole series on dvd when I was going through a rough phrase and it kept me laughing, still does.
That is a lovely memory to have :-) I'm sorry you lost your mum though. I first discovered this show when I was at my mother-in-laws house in the mountains, fell inlove with the innocence and humor of it all. Although she is in her 90's and still alive and strong, I know that when that sweet lovely woman passes on, that show will always bring a warm feeling to my heart as well and remind me of her.
Okay, not a KUA memory, but when I want to think of my son I watch The Fugitive. It's the same idea. I think about the things we talked about when the movie was playing the first time we watched it.
Okay, as you were.
Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion
This is one of the shows my sister and I call "comfort" shows (all Britcoms) - shows that have gentle laughs, people have moral viewpoints (and aren't vilified for it), and make us feel that life does have some value. This is in opposite to American tv where people are all jerks, use foul language, nasty sex jokes, and selfish motivations. And that's what is supposed to be funny. Other Britcoms we like are As Time Goes By and Last of the Summer Wine.
This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!
I like your term 'comfort shows'. I find most Perry and Croft comedies are like this. I've recently been watching 'Are You Being Served?' and its sequel, 'Grace and Favour' (Called 'Are you Being Served Again' in the USA).
Exactly! I've been such a fan of shows like KUA and AYBS for decades. They always make me smile and laugh out loud with what's often understated and implied meanings. I didn't enjoy AYBS-Again as much except the chemistry remained, and that was good.
To be fair, I'm also a fan of Black Adder, Fawlty Towers, Vicar of Dibly....there's a few others that I can't recall because I haven't been able to find them. But extremely, yes, they totally are "comfort" shows. They're calming and soothing...
______________________________________ Sic vis pacem para bellum.
What a sweet memory of your mother. KUA definitely saved my sanity during a very dark time in my life. I would come home from work, turn my phone off, and watch a few episodes. I never get tired of them.