The Perfect Ending

Ok this would have (probably) never happened if the show had decided to do a proper ending but for a long time I had been thinking that they could have done an outrageous ending for the final episode and here were my thoughts.

Daisy finally leaves Onslow because she realizes that she can't change him.

Hyacinth discover that Richard has been having an affair with Rose.

Elizabeth finally has the courage to say no to Hyacinth and tells her what she thinks of her. And in seeing this, Emmett and the Vicar do the same.

And a shocked Hyacinth's final words before the show closes would be "If my Sheridan were here he'd be appalled"


Sounds like a good ending. I don't think they actually did a formal ending to the show.


But actually I think Liz likes having Coffee with her!.


I thought the series finale was where she joined her sister, brother in law and husband on the dance floor of the cruise ship, dancing to a rock song.


I thought that too when watching on PBS, but the cruise on the QEII actually takes place midways through the series. The last episode is where Hyacinth and Richard test drive a Rolls Royce. Then there was a special clips episode where Onslow and Daisy read Hyacinth's diary.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


No! Not Daisy leaving On slow :D
She loooooooves him too much to leave.

Richard and Rose... o_O
I can't see it; perhaps Emit and Rose, lol.
But I can see Richard and Liz.

Let's not closure for Violate and Bruce, and Sheridan too!



I like that, Richard pairs up with Liz, and Emmit takes up Rose, "the one with the friendly legs". Hyacinth will be OK as long as Sheridan is around.

Daisy leaving Onslow could be a good plot device, with Onslow trying to win her back. But they'd have to get back together at the very end, with Onslow making Daisy a "bacon sarnie".


Oh Daisy would never leave Onslow, she loves him and only wants him to be a bit more interested in her in the romantic and bedroom department.
Richard and Rose is an idea, but the rest of itis a bit dark for that type of comedy, and Liz would never be mean to Hyacinth, the Vicar maybe, Emmet most likely though.
SOmetimes the finite and series defining endings arent really the best though.
The endings where it can pick up are mostly and often some of the best.


No, she would never really leave Onslow, but she could do it as a ploy to make him jealous. Like in the first season when she pretended to have a 16-year old toy-boy. Not that is worked.


I don't see it ending that way.

Richard was too faithful to have an affair.

This is a comedy. Not a drama or even a dramady.

Try again and this time, keep the comedy in mind.


Having Daisy temporarily leaving Onslow and him actually telling him how much he really did love before getting back together I think could have worked. For all his flaws he's not really a bad person and did love her and he was too endearing for audiences to want to see her leave him for good.

As far as Rose is concerned the Vicar and wife reveal they are going to move away to another Parish somewhere, perhaps abroad and when his replacement arrives he's a good looking, charming widower who's close to the same age as Rose. They meet and she somehow manages to charm him so that the two fall in love and become an item.

Liz's husband retires from his job and comes home which leads to Emmett moving out of her house having also having found a new job in another side of the county that they live in. He's relieved because he will never have to encounter Hyacinth again only to discover that the woman that lives across the street from him is just another version of Hyacinth and the last shot we see of him with her attempting to hold it together as she drives him batty just the same way Hyacinth did.

I agree Richard didn't seem the type that would have an affair. It would be out of character for him. I think a perfect way to end it would have been to have Hyacinth finally find out that Sheridan is gay and has a boyfriend that he is living with. Devastated she is in floods of tears and we actually see Richard console her and tell her it's not that big of a deal. It's here that we realize that when all is said and done, for all the time's she has driven him around the bend he does really love her. They agree to to visit him and his new man. The last shot is them driving off together with Hyacinth fussing over what kind of family the boyfriend comes from and if he's from a well to do back thus indicating she'll never ultimately change.


I also agree with 'wordsatplaytoday' some of these suggestions are too dramatic for a sitcom, the suggestion posted by 'mravenez' on Sep 5, 2015 actually made me laugh as soon as I read it

Sorry I can't see the humour in any of the scenarios posted here


My is Richard mother comes to visit and she is 100 times worst then Hyacinth and it drives Hyacinth mad!.


How about Sheridan actually appearing in the episode.


How about Emmett running off with Sheridan?


Oh good Lord, nooooo! No way! That would never happen and it would totally detract from all the previous episodes and their continuity. There's no way Richard would have an affair, and not with Rose. They're not compatible regardless of how attractive. She's like a revolving door.

While Elizabeth and Richard have chemistry, they are both seriously married and would never betray their relationships.

The vicar is a Christian, he and his wife are just fine and the chemistry between him and Hyacinth is fine as it is. It's the vicar's wife that I find a little clingy and strangely jealous.

Your suggestions are quite dark and don't fit a sitcom at all. Especially this one.

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


OP, your ideas are terrible. You seem to be forgetting that this is a comedy. Comedies have their shticks and to deviate in such a ridiculous way would ruin everything. We never need to see everyone tell Hyacinth off. Them putting up with her or trying to avoid her is what the show is about. We never need to see Richard have an affair. Richard being put into situations by his wife is what the show is about. We never need to see Daisy leave Onslow. Their hilarious relationship is what the show is about. Your ideas are ridiculous and miss the point entirely.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I'm happy that there is no formal ending to the series, especially one with a bombshell twist that negates everything in the series. In my mind, everyone in that little world is still doing their thing... Daisy loving Onslow, Rose chasing men, daddy being crazy, Onslow being bone-idle, the Vicar shuddering at the thought of 'the bucket woman', Richard being the dutiful husband, Elizabeth being unable to say 'no', Emmit sneaking out so he won't be sung at, and Hyacinth throwing candlelight suppers!
