Did Onslow rent or own the house?
And where did their money come from since nobody in the house worked?
shareAnd where did their money come from since nobody in the house worked?
shareThey lived in council flats I think, which was subsidized by the government. Their
Daddy may have had a pension and Onslow and Daisy may have been "on the dole," on wefare.
I'm just guessing.
I laughed, I cried, it was part of me...
It was definitely a council house. Hyacinth grew up there it was mentioned once.
shareIt's a Council Estate and in those days it was probably still owned by Council, though right to buy had started by then.
There are several people there all probably getting benefits and Daddy's pension (whatever it maybe) on top.
I think Onslow made a little money in the betting houses.
This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!
They certainly always seem to have enough money for fags and beer :-)
Yep that's welfare Britain! Probably one of the reasons why everyone wants to come here...(and why the country is trillions of pounds in debt).
'Monsters? We're British!'
It's also what's pissing us off in America as well. This country not only pays people to do nothing, but we pay them to keep reproducing and pay for their housing and pay for their food and pay for their education (if they do that).
And there are many families raising their kids that this is the normal way to live. Which would make Hyacinth and Violet's departure that much more extraordinary.
Sic vis pacem para bellum.
Hear, hear!
'You tell 'em I'M coming...and hell's coming with me, you hear?'