Pot Noodle Puns

Although I'm somewhat afraid to ask, does anyone have any more Pot Noodle puns? I was hoping someone would talk about Jeffrey Archer's favourite snack, Toss Pot Noodles.

Go on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care


Just heard them on the repeat and I've laughed so much in my life.


Yeah that was SO SO funny. The show was going flat, until the Pot Noodle section and then it got hilarious.


I couldnt stop laughing - it started to hurt really bad.

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--



global warming will produce hot noodles.

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--


Got some more.

Mass Murder Style - Pol Pot Noodles
Dallas Style - Who Shot Noodles

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--


Thick Creamed version - Clot Noodle

One Armed Bandit version - Slot Noodle

Old Wooden version - Rot Noodle

Persuasive version - Got Noodle?

Spaghetti version - Not Noodle!

Hand me my lightsabre, it's the one that says BMF on it




is there a video of that episode on the net yet i missed it

George Foreman has no finger prints.


Yes on youtube. Here's the link


If you can't find it just tick in pot noodles in search and you'll find it. Worth the effort, because it was the only really funny moment on that show.


one for diarrhea - trot noodles


Instant noodles in a tartan container - Scot Noodles
Low-powered noodles - 30-Watt Noodles
Ink-filled variety - Blot Noodles
Microscopic version - Hard to Spot Noodles
Metal version - Not Noodles
Refined nautical version - Yacht Noodles
Guy Fawkes' Snack - Gunpowder Plot Noodles


Milk Flavoured - Got Noodles
Out Of Date - Rot Noodles
The Gamblers Snack - Slot Noodles
Cheney's Lawyer - Shotgun Noodles

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--



Where's Wally style: Spot Noodles
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. Brilliant.

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--


Dyslexic version: - Top Noodles.


Really Unhealthly Style - Blood Clot Noodles.

--"There is no darkside of the moon really; as a matter of fact it's all dark"--



Bush/Blair are more.....Lost the Plot Noodles

Who loves orange soda?......
.....Kel loves orange soda!


Yeah, I agree, it was a bit flat. It annoys me how they keep recycling the two-bit comedy blokes who arn't that funny. I'd rather see someone controversial . Bill Deedes is funnier than the raven haired bloke that was on, he's boring.
So on that episode, thank goodness for pot noodles!!

The veggie version - Grot Noodles.

Have you no thought, o dreamer, that it may be all maya, illusion?



Star Trek has Spock Noodles.

Go on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care




One for rock musicians: Potley Crue-dle

I went to see the final show of Paul Merton and Chums tour in Belfast and it was on the Saturday night right after the Pot Noodle episode had been shown on Friday. It was an improvised comedy show which at the start, he asked the audience to name a household item to which someone shouted 'Pot Noodle!' He kind of rolled his eyes at that one and then said 'You didn't get a laugh with that. Well done'. During the interval, he'd asked the audience to write descriptions of a scene and place them into a bucket on the stage which they would pick out and improvise with. One of the suggestions read 'Death of a Pot Noodle'. Again, he didn't seem too amused and looked like he was going to stay in his chair but he got up anyway and played the part of a priest laying to rest a Pot Noodle.


Oh, thanks for reminding me. I just read this thread and I lol'd several times. I might just have to watch the youtube clip seven times.

I am what I am and I do what I can.


For Chris Hitchens - Sot Noodles
For Terry Jones' girlfriend - Cot Noodles
For Douglas Alexander (UK) - MOT Noodles
For John Prescott (UK) - Lot (of) Noodles
For Stevie Wonder - What Noodles??
For Tom Sharpe - Blot Noodles
For Bright sparks - Watt Noodles

Have you no thought, o dreamer, that it may be all maya, illusion?


For the groin - Scrot Noodles

I like clouds. I call them sky kittens.


the ones based on the show- have i pot noodles for you

I'll teach you to laugh at something that's funny
-Homer Simpson


Russian airline variety - Aeroflot Noodle

Now that we have guided missiles, we have misguided men.

Martin Luther King


For gardeners - Plant Pot Noodles


*insert worthless quote here*


Ralph Sheds of the Associates always said he loved Vansmeerens best.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.



*insert worthless quote here*
