
It breaks my heart to see Kelly with Brandon in front of Dylan. How could Kelly do that start dating her x boyfriends best friend


I feel bad for Dylan having to watch them both together


She had no problem dating her best friends exboyfriend. This was nothing compared to that. I still can't believe Brenda got over that so quickly.


That's right. The same for Dylan: after (and before, during the summer Brenda was at France) breaking up with Brenda, he started dating her best friend. So what reason did he have to be pissed off at Brandon?

Morever, in season 4, Dylan did the best he could to alienate Kelly nonstop: refusing to go with her to the parties; acting as Brenda's chauffeur (as if she couldn't call a cab); making Kelly give up her role in the play in favor of Brenda; rejecting Kelly's invitation to have Thanksgiving with her family, but going to the Walshes instead; etc., etc. Just like Nat said - what did he expect?

Still, I agree with the OP that it was a sad scene. Brandon should have told that Dylan earlier, rather than throwing it in his face, in public, as things happened.


I am starting season 3 again to double check but I want to bet my life on the fact that Dylan and Brenda were still together when el Pari happened.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


meh, now he knows how Brenda felt when he would parade around with Kelly.

Kelly is the common denominator between both triangles... gee, could she be the slut at fault???

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Then you must be high. Ducks don't talk! 


Eh I spend most of my day watching the Disney Channel with the babes. Donald, Daisy, The Professor.

Those sons of bitches won't shut up ;)


And boy oh boy does Donald ever NOT stop griping. Another similarity between him and Kelly.


The common denominator would be Kelly : she was the one who betrayed Brenda in high school and the one who "betrays" Dylan in college. She and Dylan were no longer together when she started dating Brandon, but they did kiss when she was still dating Dylan. And hell, she should have talked to Dylan before starting dating Brandon in front of the whole gang (same goes for Brandon). I'm stunned at how easily then can start dating other people from the gang without worrying too much about the ex's feelings.

I'm also stunned at how they all grow apart from Dylan at that point. He's having a really hard time after he gets scammed by Susan and they don't even care. Boy, he's their long time friend.

And then, Kelly strikes again when Dylan asks her to go around the world with him. She suddenly starts kissing Dylan like she's not even with Brandon. WTF?


And remember how freaking offended she was when she thought that Steve was cheating on Carly with Emma? Such high and mighty crap from her, that is why I disliked Kelly more and more over the course of the series.

Of course it ended up being Brandon cheating on her anyway. What goes around comes around Kel.


Exactly! It's amazing how judgemental she goes when someone does something she did in the past. I wonder why nobody (except Valerie) tells her that she was a b*tch and betrayer many times herself.

Same goes for the gang : Donna stands with Kelly when Brandon cheats on her, but says nothing when Kelly cheats on Brandon or Dylan with the other.


It breaks your heart? Dylan got what he deserved, he didn't seem to mind hooking up and dating his ex's best friend.


There was a particular episode I was watching at the moment that made me feel that way. If I remember correctly it might have been the episode when Dylan and Brandon take the trip together on the motorcycles. Right before Brandon and Dylan leave Brandon or Kelly said by babe and the look on Dylan face. Yes at that moment it broke my heart.


Yep still can't feel worry for him, what goes around, comes around, he deserved it!
