Brandon's behavior on "Judgement Day"
I found Brandon's arrogant behavior on that episode so annoying that I partly wanted him to lose: he was so (over)confident from the beginning he'd be found innocent "The guy's got no case... It's going to be over in ten minutes".
The way he talked to the tribunal "justice is supposed to be blind, not deaf and dumb" just served to alienate them. Judging by the facial expressions of Arnold and the other two members, they clearly did not like Brandon's blunt statements. Nor did they appreciate his repeated references to Randall's wife.
What Brandon should have done to prove his innocence was so simple: in response to Randall's false claim about the quiz of October 11th, he should have called Steve back and inquired him about that - and that would have revealed the truth. A good lawyer would have done that, had Brandon hired one as he was offered. But no.... he was so sure of himself, stating "I didn't do it. I have no witnesses. I have no evidence. All I have is my word". Yeah, very convincing. Luckily, Clare intervened and made Steve bring the evidence that refuted Randall's lies.
How did you feel about Brandon's behavior in that episode?