MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) Discussion > Odd questions: "Is Luke Perry supposed t...

Odd questions: "Is Luke Perry supposed to look like a hood?"

My mother texted me yesterday, "Is Luke Perry supposed to look like a hood?" That was it, all she wrote.

I told her something about how the last thing I saw him in was an ad or promotion for that rodeo clown thing on a horse movie. Apparently he is going to be in something else. And I guess he looks like a hood.

I was quite disturbed to get this message from my mother. Unsettled. Maybe even a little bit distressed. How does she know who Luke Perry is? Why does she assume that *I* would know who Luke Perry is? So many questions.


she's got good instincts. she probably saw the eppy where stuart carson informs people that he used to be part of 'the scene'. 

🎄Season's Greetings!🎄


....and he knew frank Padilla, who you could deem a hood....


and joe wardlow! 

"You have to live life to its full chorizo!"-Mario Batali🏄


Luke Perry is in the new show Riverdale, based on the Archie comics, playing Archie's dad. He looks, well:


Does your mother get nervous around motorcycles and sideburns?
