Did graham have SPD?

Shizoid Personality Disorder?

A person who chooses not to get involved with anyone. Who would RATHER constantly be by themselves and not get into any interpersonal relationship.
One who delibretly would choose jobs that have little to no contact with other people yet in social situations they appeare at ease. People with the condition believe there is nothing wrong with them therefore they do not seek treatment...they think they are healthy. I believe he has this disorder.

Would you say that is graham as a whole? or to an extent? or not at all?



This question has made me think! I wonder what is the benefit of labelling a character. It seems to take away from the infinite possibilities of our understanding of an individual, whether fictional or real. Sometimes it is forced on us, for instance to qualify for some special treatment. In the context of a creative work such as this film, I prefer to see characters as facets of the whole which serve to further the intention of the creator. If I needed to convince myself that Graham is a credible character, a diagnosis of SPD might be useful. However, I'd rather think of him as a kind of magical, puck-like figure that helps the whole conceit work!


I didn't want to "diagnose" graham with SPD but the more i sit and watch the film and more specifically the graham character, the more i see symtomes of this condition. In some scenes it becomes all to aware that he might have developed SPD over those 9 years :)

One of the main symtomes of SPD i noticed with graham is that he rarely showed emotion and when the moment came when ann forced him out of his shell, his reaction and emotion were minimal and you could also say that he indeed was a 'loner'. Many people with SPD are labelled loners.

I do agree with you about seeing graham as a somewhat magical character though :).... infact thats what drew me to the film in the first place. G raham as some kind of travelling angel that has this deep effect on anyone woman (or man) that crosses his path and can see right into people's souls and heal there suffering. Maybe that's my ideal outlook and my realistic outlook is SPD..:)


Maybe he's just scared because bad things happened with Elizabeth.

Nicebat - the bat, but not the bat in the hat.


I don't understand this disorder, haha. By your account I probably have it, and by saying the person feels fine and doesn't seek treatment... I mean how is it a disorder if you can function normally?

I guess my point is, even if I have this disorder for a personality, why would I want to treat it? Tis my personality, after all :D

"Pull ze string! Pull ze string!"


Britney, for one.

Nicebat, kindly cease playing around with the space-time continuum.


Who? :/

"Pull ze string! Pull ze string!"


Radiant rose, do you mean Britney Speares?....cheeky :P

I never thought of her maybe having SPD lol. My first post didn't cover all the symtoms of this disorder...after all it's just a thought i've thrown out there too see if anyone thinks graham might have it.


oooh, right -- I don't get a lot of coverage on that, I don't go looking for news about her and I'm in Britain so maybe it's less prevalent. I wouldn't have said, though, that she was actually functioning -- so my point still stands in that case :)

"Pull ze string! Pull ze string!"


I would not like to guess what is wrong with Britney, but certainly she seems to demonstrate that a person can have something badly wrong without realising it.

Nicebat, kindly cease playing around with the space-time continuum.


exactly^^^^ and she's had like 15 wake up calls!


It's ridiculous. And why aren't the police raiding her home for drugs? If she was just consuming a few illegal substances but had it under control, like most people do with alcohol, that would be one thing. But she's clearly out of it and it seems she's immune from drug laws that everyone else is meant to obey.

I don't understand why they still let her drive.

Nicebat, kindly cease playing around with the space-time continuum.


I think the girl is a ticking time bomb. She has now built her career based on her mental illness.It' obvious that she has no respect for herself. Hopefully heath ledger's death will be the wake up call young hollywood needs. Now there is a guy who was respected and admired for his acting yet had personal demons and didn't seek help....only his was manifested inwardly while britney is making a show pony out of hers.


Apparently, he told a journalist that even strong sleeping tablets were not curing his insomnia.

Nobody ever suspects the butterfly!


Graham probably acted schizo because he couldn't get it up.

I have a close friend who I think is impotent. Two of his ex-girlfriends swear that he is. He sure loves to talk about sex. He talks about foreplay like it is intercourse. He brags about playing footsie with women. I get tired of hearing it so I tell him to shut up. I try to explain that he has done nothing to brag about. He got defensive once and whined "you don't understand positioning". I told him he doesn't understand positions.
