I keep seeing people online say they are confused about how Corey and Jimmy are related. I just watched this on TV and Corey clearly explains to Hayley that Jimmy and his twin sister were children from their father's second marriage (they share the same dad), making them only half siblings. Corey refers to Jimmy as his brother because despite not being full siblings, he still considers him to be his brother.
Jimmy's mother was only Corey and Nick's stepmother, therefore she didn't get (or seek) custody of them, but managed to get custody of Jimmy because he is her biological son.
It was a bit confusing though because of all the kids, twins, new husband, custody and whatnot. We are thrown right in the mix. Jimmy and Cory are half brothers right?
Is Cory's dad also Jimmy's dad? Jimmy's mother's new husband we see through the movie has not blood relations to Jimmy right? I hate this movie. Actually I don't but what's the deal?
Thank you. Finally I understand. They made the story pretty complicated for this movie to start. Now was Bateman married to someone else before and had kids of his own as well? That's the big question. Sam doesn't have very good luck with relationships and marriages. Such is life. Good movie.
Bateman didn't appear to have any kids of his own, since he was a bit of a control freak when it came to his stepson, surely if he had biological children we would have seen them.
Poor Sam. We can assume his first wife died (or deserted) when the boys were still quite young, since Corey is only 6 years older than Jimmy. Then his daughter died and he went through a divorce and lost custody of his youngest son.
It was a good movie. When it came out on VHS, we were all crazy for the release of Super Mario 3! Back in the days when you could blow your allowance at the video store, renting the game for a weekend.
Sam was married to a woman whose name we don't know. They had Nick and Corey. She died (assumption, but she's clearly out of the picture.)
You need not assume. It was clarified, but you have to listen very carefully. Towards the beginning there is a scene where Nick and his dad are arguing somewhere in the house, while Cory is in his room throwing darts at a big map. If you listen closely you can here the answer.
Sam: "What bothers me is that you have no respect for me, and no appreciation for living in this house!!"
Nick: "What do you care what I do anyway? Jimmy's in a home and you don't care. If Mom were still alive she'd be sick!"
Sam: (Interrupting): "Don't you tell me what I care about!!"
Not sure if that's verbatim, but it's pretty close. So yes, Sam's first wife died after Corey and Nick were born. Jimmy is only 3 or 4 years younger than Corey, so we can assume that she probably died when Corey was at the very most 3 years old. I doubt he even remembers her. Nick certainly would though, being some 4 or 5 years older than Corey I figure.
Sam married Christine and they had twins (Jimmy and Jennifer). Jennifer died, and then Sam and Christine divorced. Sam took custody of Nick and Corey (his sons with his first wife, who died). Christine took custody of her and Sam's kid Jimmy (Corey and Nick's half brother). Then she married Bateman, who is a complete douche.
I didn't notice this important bit of back story until I'd seen the movie many times.
Corey is only 6 years older than Jimmy
Putnam says to the pinball kid that 'one is 9, one is 13'. Corey is 3 or perhaps 4 years older than Jimmy.
Astonishes me that this film still inspires such conversation so many years later. A flawed movie to be certain, but a VERY memorable one to us NES kids that grew up with it. I'll always be a fan.
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Putnam says to the pinball kid that 'one is 9, one is 13'. Corey is 3 or perhaps 4 years older than Jimmy.
Thanks for the clarification on all the points. For some reason I thought Jimmy was seven. I also hadn't made out the dialogue so clearly in the shouting match between Nick and Sam.
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No problem. I think the actor that played Jimmy was 8 during filming, and looked much more like 7 than 9. I kind of wish they'd shown that scene between Nick and Sam. Sounds like Beau Bridges got pretty intense during that scene. But I guess the idea was to show it from Corey's point of view. Something that most kids can, sadly, relate to.
Agreed on that scene as while if you listened very carefully you could make out what they were saying, on the surface it just sounded like a lot of random yelling which is I'm sure what adults fighting like that sounds like to kids.
For the family ties, I think it's pretty easy. As mentioned, here is the order of it:
1) - Sam married an unnamed woman
2) - They have two children together - Nick and Corey. Sam is their father and she is their mother
3) - Unnamed woman dies
4) - Sam remarries to Christine - Christine is now Nick and Corey's stepmother
5) - Sam and Christine have two twin children together - Jimmy and Jennifer. Sam is their father, Christine is their mother and Nick and Corey are their half brothers
Corey and Nick are brothers Corey & Nick and Jimmy are half brothers Corey & Nick and Jennifer were half brothers Sam is the father of all four of them
A flawed movie to be certain, but a VERY memorable one to us NES kids that grew up with it
To me, I feel like the flaws with the movie are all related to the Nintendo aspects. The family story is actually really solid. This could have been a great movie if it weren't so interested in pushing Nintendo products.
you've cleared it for all others, thanks, but a single sitting was enough to understand what you have explained, as long as you were paying attention because they present the data in disorder, which is realistic.
It's not that confusing. Corey and Nick are with their dad because he's their only biological parent. Jimmy is with the mom because shes better able to provide care for the boy.
All three of them are brothers. Jimmy is just Corey and Nick's half brother. The new husband is irrelevant. All the kids were born before he entered the picture.
With such characters and hammed up drama and over-the-top moments, would of loved a sequel. That could of helped go into such an intricate family mess. Or, hey, a television series. It'd be like the wonder years except set in then-modern times, and completely hammed up. Oh god, super nintendo vs sega genesis season-long arc!