Apparently none of you have been through a nasty, contengious divorce from a man that you took a job to pay for his graduate school, had a child, took care of that child, switched hours at work to do this, paid a house mortage, in considerable debt for the 8 years it took him to finish what should had taken him 4 years to complete so he could get that good job by brownosing his boss, not telling a story correctly, being blamed for being too common to join the country club, the Junior league, not getting along with his witch of a mother who had his balls in her purse at all times and him jumping at her request. Yeah,stuff in this movie really does happen, cause it happened to me. Especially the dinner scene. I know exactly how Turner's character felt. She bend over backwards and stood on her head everday to exault him to his lofty position and one day, she just can't stand it anymore. Like someone chewing gum or humming a tune when it's supposed to be quiet. It's either divorce or kill.