MovieChat Forums > Turner & Hooch (1989) Discussion > Tom Hanks and This Movie

Tom Hanks and This Movie

Perhaps it's just that I'm susceptible to these sorts of inside jokes, but has anyone else noticed instances where Tom Hanks references this movie, even this far into his career?

For example, he was on Conan O'Brien a few years ago around the holidays, and one of the jokes was that Conan gave Tom Hooch's skeleton as a Christmas gift (morbid, I know, but still funny even if it's sad that he's gone).

More recently, during the Oscar sketch where Tom Hanks accepted an award and his speech went on too long (thus prompting the band to play, and then surround him before finally attacking him), one of the last names he calls out for thanks (if not the final one) is Hooch.

Has anyone else noticed other times where Tom has referenced this film?


yeah in esquire magazine, he talks about his glorious career, and he says the things he learned from making turner and hooch, are things he still uses today on his career. what things he could of learned are beyond me.



On YouTube theres a video where he was at a ceremony in Eashington in 1995 after the release of Apollo 13, and he was talking about the importance of films and how he tries to do ones that truly entertain and have an impact on people, and his last line is "then I go do ones like Turner & Hooch and wonder what the hell I'm doing." Pretty funny.

"I know you're in there, Fagerstrom!"-Conan O'Brien


Heeh, I like that vid.

Can you supersize ambition? Does that make you ambitious if you supersize ambition? - Matthew Good


I do remember seeing an interview with Hanks a few years ago where he stated that even though the film wasn't a big hit, he learned more about the art of filmmaking from the experience of making this movie than any other film he has ever made.
