Did you? (spoilers)

First time I watched this movie, I watched with my family and had to honestly fight back the tears when Hooch dies. I was probably around 15 then..
I saw this on tv a few weeks ago, I'm 21 now, and I was alone, and it still made me cry, this time I cried my not so male heart out.. I don't know what it was, I always cry when dogs die in films.
Had to fight them back in I Am Legend, and k-9, although the dog in k-9 survived..
Please tell me there are more older males that cried?


"This is more intense than that time I forgot how to sit down"


haha, don't be upset over crying, or wanting to. i bawled like a little kid with a skinned knee. when Sam died in I Am Legend, i absolutely lost it. i think i cry more over the death of critters than i do of people in movies... although, i am a girl.


as there are no other males that did answer you on that, I finally am going to tell you now, that you were not the only one :) ;)
I think it was sad that Hooch died in the end.

But maybe he was going to die soon anyway (he was quite old, and think of all the beer-drinking...). I know these are just speculations, but if they are right, then it's comforting.
At least he did not have to miss his former lordling any longer.

The new, young dog at the end of the film was funny, but it wasn't really comforting. There's no second Hooch.

Well, think of the real Hooch. He surely is dead for a long time. That's life - sometimes it's sad. But at least he still lived a couple of years after making that film :)

Bye, phil
