I love it when...

I love it at the very beginning when Hooch is running at Scott and his cheek skin flaps are flopping up and making him look like a monster lol. Then Scott's trying to give him the muffin and Hooch goes for his neck, and I loved how they added the shot of muffin flying through the air. The music went perfect with the scene. Extremely Hilariously perfect.


Hey! I love that part too- its just a classic scene, with the 2 of them tumbling to the ground, and the muffin artistically landing on the wet ground.

That and the scene where Turner's trying to get Hooch into the bath- hillarious! I love it when they're out in the yard, and Turners got the hose and is scrubbing hooch. "This is why your breed will never dominate the earth...this is what you can do when you have THUMBS'

I love this film :)



...Hooch makes those wanderfull faces...like for instance:

When he's receiving the house rules...and he acts listening and compreending all;
When he destroys Turner's house, and then Hooch goes: "Oh...a soccer ball...gotta have it!!";
When he opens the fridge and start watching each schelf for food...and then drinks the beer squirt!!

Hehehe...one of my favourite animal movies of all time!!

Even the last scenes when Hooch gets shot and goes to the vet...that was quite emotional scene for me!!Made me think for years that all dogs were like hooch!!


you are so dirty and perverted. Did you even watch the movie?



i like it when tom hanks is driving the car and hooch is strolling down the street alongside the car. thats a great scene. hooch was great.


My favourite part is when Turner's trying to get to sleep and Hooch won't stop barking.

Too many funny bits to list in this movie.


The best scene is when Hooch has gas in the P.D. The expression on his face when he stretch's out, and the way Hanks,Nelson, and Johnson react. [priceless]
