MovieChat Forums > Troop Beverly Hills (1989) Discussion > Who is Jasmine's dad supposed to be?

Who is Jasmine's dad supposed to be?

There is this part at the beginning of the movie where Jasmine and her parents get pulled over by a cop. Jasmine is all "Do you know who my dad is???" I'm assuming he is supposed to be a professional athlete of some sort. Does anyone know?

I wish I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat and be happy!


He was supposed to be a famous boxer.


She's my least favorite troop member. If I were her parents, I'd be soooo embarrassed by her behavior! They make a weak attempt to stop her.


What?!?! She was my favorite troop member. I loved her outgoing personality and I always laugh when she tells that cop off.


Rewatching this last night now a 31 year old black woman, I never realized how annoying and stereotypical her character was with all the head rolling and sass. So embarrassing. I was 6 and of course did not notice this at the time...


I'm rewatching it tonight, now at 24 years of age and had this exact reaction. Awful trope of a character.


FYI, the actor played a character on Seinfeld that George said looked like Sugar Ray Leonard, which is who I thought it was in this movie until the camera zoomed in.
