Favourite scene/quote?

Mine's when Phyllis is depressed and drinking Evian and singing along to "Misty Water Colour Memories" -- Classic! What about you guys?

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OMG I was gonna say that scene too. The way that Claire's mom goes "Phyllis that's not funny" when she says she's lost her will to shop is just so funny.

I also love the "Cookie Time" scene and when Phyllis takes the girls to the Beverly Hills Hotel.


My favorite scene has to be when Jasmine goes off on the cop. LOL! I can't watch that movie without saying those lines.

"Now daddy, shake the man's hand and lets be on our way."


Any of these

Vicky Spratz at Phyllis's party talking into her hidden tape recorder - "Everything seemed so civilivd the beverly hills glitterati but really it was a black tied jungle" or something to that effect LOL

The Cookie Song - "Gather round you friends of mine the wilderness girls and its cookie time" that little actress who played Jasmine had some set of pipes

When Annie Herman tells Velda off finally - "Look at you you cheap slut your next stop if K Mart" "Screw you Velda" LOL


They think we're the demons now - Prue Halliwell ~ All Hell Breaks Loose ~ Charmed


I don't think Jasmine was actually singing that.


My favourite quote

"You little bitches, I hate children, I hate children" I forget her name but it is funny to see the enemy troop leader throw a temper tantrum.


Velda (at the end of the movie): Attention Kmart shoppers!


Her name is Velda. I also like when Velda screams, "Cleo, I was in labor with you for 17 hours!"


"you know the parents here are just so self involved... oh *beep* I broke a nail!!!" lol

"Long legs dark hair big boobs?" "skinny legs stringy hair silicone boobs but yes".
"it's ok mom it's just Lisa Dad's realtor she's helping him pick out a condo..." At midnight? it must be some hot listing" "Mom can we spy on dad in the morning? rofl!


When Lisa falls overboard at the patch ceremony... Phyllis says to Craig T. Nelson' character: "She'll be fine. Silicone is buoyant."



Velda: ...and lived off of berries and squirrel meat and never once did they have to go to the bathroom

Phyllis: Must have been the squirrel meat


i love when lisa is in the water and screams for a life saver and phyliss says mint or winter green aha

<3Jason loves Carly more then Sam or Liz.


One sequence was so cleverly done. Phyllis realizes that her troop has, yet, to earn their community service badge. In the beginning of the next scene, she apologizes to the judge for being late to court for her divorce hearing: "I'm sorry, your honor. My girls were busy describing fall fashions to the blind."


Gotta be dancing "Do the Freddie" at the old folks home. Still get that damn song with their silly dance stuck in my mind.


(in referance to the uniform):
"Is there anything you can do to it?"
"Besides BURN it?!"


"Do rattlesnakes live in swamps?" LMAO

Know the Death of Religion, Know the Death of Hate and Fear


This is one of my favorite scenes. I love the Freddie. In fact I use it in my workout routine!


One of my faves:

Cheech Marin: [to Annie Herman] Are you related to Pee Wee?

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


When Annie is getting her mustache waxed. "Please don't bother. I'll just shave it when I get home." LMAO. I quote that all the time.


- "Annie Herman. Boy-yoi-yoing!"

- The whole part where Jasmine goes off on the cop.

- I also find it hilarious how Phyllis yells "Chica" when she pulls up in the limo before their first troop meeting.

This movie is ridiculously quotable. My friends and I say lines all the time.


I can't believe no one mentioned the scene in the hotel where Phyliis tells her scary campfire story..."He PERMED me!!!" And everyone starts screaming! I crack up every time I hear it! The whole movie is just hilarious and woefully underrated.


"Annie Herman. Boy-yoy-yoing! Wanna wrestle?!" HAHA
"Now Daddy, shake the man's hand and let's be ON our way!"

Oh I love this movie!


-"He PERMED me!!!"

-"Look, Hannah! Iiii'm your motha. 'Faaaabulous!'" (Jasmine imitating Mrs. Nefler)

-Phyllis and the girls singing "Kum By Yah" to/with the canary diamond ring

-Phyllis kicking her leg out trying to continue doing the Freddie while keeping an old lady in a wheelchair from rolling down a hill.


"Phyllis if you contributed anymore to this marriage, we would be on WELFARE!"


I can't believe no one has mentioned these:
"It really frosts my cookies..."

"They're dragging something."
"It looks like an animal."
"It must be Velda."

"This is what you call 'roughing it'?"
"Nine girls and one bathroom? Yes!"
