Messing with his gun

Kurt Russell claims that the sights of his gun are off. Asked if anyone was messing with his gun. Strange scene. Not sure if it was foreshadowing a certain plot or not. Any ideas?


I always assumed at that point Evil Jack Palance had already used Cash's gun to kill that guy and frame them for moider. During the process he must have fiddled with the sights, in an evil, but slapdash, manner.


I thought it was just to show that his character was keyed in on small details such as that, but the above theory sounds more correct.



That scene is so stupid, he pulls a gun out of his desk in the middle of a PD and points it at everyone checking the sights. He would have been fired right there

"Tickets Please..."



This is Tango and Cash. As stupid scenes go, that one was akin to kitchen sink realism...


Probably had something to do with him getting set up. There was a bunch of deleted scenes, one of them might have cleared it up.


Cash is hardcore , that's his style.
