Highly watchable, but superficial in the extreme...
I watched this movie last night on tv. Last time I saw it was in the theater in 89. For me, the most appealing thing is the bubble gum soap opera mood of the film. It invited me to turn my brain off and sometimes that's exactly what I want.
But there are a lot of people who find the movie emotionally powerful and that wasn't my experience at all. And I cry pretty easy. And the scene at the cemetery where Sally Field has her big scene I didn't find sad in the least. It annoyed me more than anything. The thing that was going through my mind was that I thought I could see Field really getting herself worked up so she could get the correct emotion down. And that they were trying to sort of duplicate the scene in Terms of Endearment where Shirley MacLaine breaks down after Debra Winger dies, and the vast difference in the power of that scene compared to Field. Three minutes later, everybody is at some picnic, and it all seems very trite. Really, this movie is justa series of effortless one liners that come out of nowhere. It's a very tacky movie.
If the movie was being more honest, it would have focused on the peculiar charms of gossip in the South. Because that's about as deep as this movie goes. And I find that I like the movie a lot better when I think about it from this point of view. The mother -daughter loving bond was not only unconvincing, but I really felt more negative energy, almost hostility, going on between these two women than anything. Though that certainly could be the result of the two actresses who played the characters and how they related to each other in real life.